Saj prenese strošek v odkupno ceno in je to to. Nimam pa pojma, katera pasma na voljo v Sloveniji bi bila optimalna.
The American Angus Association set up the "Certified Angus Beef" brand in 1978. The goal of this brand was to promote the idea that Angus beef was of higher quality than beef from other breeds of cattle.
Cattle are eligible for "Certified Angus Beef" evaluation if they are at least 51% black and exhibit Angus influence, which include black Simmental cattle and crossbreds. However, they must meet all 10 of the following criteria, which were refined in January 2007 to further enhance product consistency, to be labeled "Certified Angus Beef" by USDA Graders:[18]
* Modest or higher degree of marbling
Medium or fine marbling texture
"A" maturity
10 to 16 square-inch ribeye area
Less than 1,000-pound hot carcass weight
Less than 1-inch fat thickness
Moderately thick or thicker muscling
No hump on the neck exceeding 5 cm (2")
Practically free of capillary rupture
No dark cutting characteristics
Usually black or red in color
Suho staranje pa razen za ogromne količine ni nek strošek....rabiš grobo sol, ki vpije vlago in kupi en namenski hladilnik.