Uporabnik Infernus pravi:
Jaz sem zadnjič na ebayu.. čakam in čakam,.. 44. dan sem dal pripombo prek paypala. Tip mi vrne denar (to je bilo 1 mesec nazaj), včeraj me pa iz pošte kličejo, da bodo paket poslali nazaj na kitajsko, ker je preteklo 15 dni in ga nisem prišel iskat. Vendar sploh nisem dobil listka. Spet je pošta zajebala (ta zadnji del, refund je itak bil že prej narejen)... lol
Uporabnik KarEn pravi:
Žal nisem dobil refunda...
A se da na naši pošti preverit številko paketa iz Hong Konga?Citat:
Hi buyer,
We shipped you the item by Registered airmail on 30th March, 2011. The registered number is ŠTEVILKA.
According to Hong Kong Post announcement, there may have shipping delay due to tightened security measure of Hong Kong Airport recently which items leaving for overseas destinations will suffer a possible delay. Moreover it might be held up in Custom for inspection which causes further delay.
We suggest you to check its status with your local Post Office/ Custom by presenting the registered number.
Thank you for your patience!
Best regards,