Izrael - Palestina


11. mar 2010
Je povsem možno, netanjahu ima probleme s svojo vlado. Pokvarjeni do obisti so obojni in so kar lepo za skupaj, Zame pretehta dejstvo da Izraelci v nasprotju s palestinci ne napadajo izključno civilnih ciljev po vsem svetu in potem to predstavljajo kot svojo "borbo". Če bi namesto na nedolžne civile palestinci napadali vojaške cilje v izraelu namesto da se gredo nek mednarodni terorizem, bi pa še enkrat razmislil o svojem stališču.
So pa pri vdoru onesposobili vojsko in nadzorne stolpe, sicer vdor ne bi bil mogoč.


23. sep 2007
Izraelci se izgledajo strinjajo z vsemi pravimi Alteraši, ki jim je jasno, kdo je kriv, da so jih ujeli nepripravljene: Izraelska vlada

Pa sedaj že Američani govorijo, da so Izraelci vedeli, da bo Hamas napadel
Glede na to da so postavili v gazi konstrukcijo zidovskega naselja in 2 leti vadili, dvomim da jih droni niso opazili (cetudi so se trudili to cimbolj nadzorovati in odvracati pozornost drugam)
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10. feb 2023
Bibi je s svojo aroganco nadmudril samega sebe.
No, saj na nek način je to voda na njegov mlin. Namesto, da ga odstavljajo zaradi kriminalnih dejanj, bo sedaj postal še odrešitelj Izraela in predsednik predsedništva "bez ograničenja trajanja mandata".


2. mar 2010

What is the reason for the 'Al-Aqsa Deluge', as Hamas had named its terror operation against the Zionists?

On October 8 Alastair Crooke, one of most experienced Middle East hands, wrote in AlMahadeen:

"Israel" has shattered into two equally weighted factions holding to two irreconcilable visions of "Israel’s" future; two mutually opposing readings of history and of what it means to be Jewish.
The fissure could not be more complete. Except it is. One faction, which holds a majority in parliament, is broadly Mizrahi -- a former underclass in Israeli society; and the other, largely well-to-do liberal Ashkenazi.
Mizrahi are mostly the original Middle Eastern Jews and often on the religious far right, Ashkenazi are mostly liberal European ones. The current Netanyahoo government is the first which includes far-right Mizrahi ministers.

Most Mizrahi follow the Sephardi religious rites. They want an religious state based on Jewish law. They are as radial as ISIS.

The high court of Israel has 14 Ashkenazi judges and one Mizrahi one. It is one of the reasons why the Netanyahoo government wants the parliament to be able to vote down high court judgements. There have been large, U.S. sponsored 'regime change' protests in Israel against that move. The leaders of the military and security services, mostly Ashkenazi, have also opposed the government move against the court.

I therefore think that it is quite possible that there was intelligence pointing to the Hamas attack, but that it was not revealed to let Netanyahoo fall into a trap. We have however no evidence that there were reasonably precise intelligence warnings, or that they were held up.

There are already demands for Netanyahoo to go. If only for his long term sponsoring of Hamas as a counterweight to the more secular Fatah Palestinians. Should he no longer be prime minister the courts will take up the three bribe cases against him which are currently pending. He would likely end up in jail.

Another reason for Hamas' success was the fact that three of the four infantry battalions, with 800 soldiers each, that usually guard the Gaza strip, had been moved to the West Bank to protect right-wing Zionist settlers during a religious holiday. This allowed for Hamas' easy breach of the fence.

Back to Alastair Crooke on the real motive of the Al-Aqsa flood:


Israel has used White Phosphorus on the people in Gaza, another war crime. Israel has given all people in north Gaza, 1.1 million human beings, 24 hours to move to south Gaza. That is impossible and will not happen. It is an attempt of ethnic cleansing.

Caitlin Johnstone @caitoz - 10:52 UTC · Oct 13, 2023
If there were two million Jewish people trapped by Christians in a giant open-air prison and placed under total siege, being told that half of them had 24 hours to relocate into the other half or be killed, nobody would have any confusion about what they were witnessing.
If Israel makes, as announced, a ground attack on Gaza, Hizbullah in Lebanon is likely to attack Israel. The U.S. has allegedly let Syria know (via France) that Damascus, and President Assad personally, would be attacked if that were to happen. This is a miscalculation. It is far from certain that Assad, or even Iran, has the means to hold Hizbullah back.

A U.S. attack on the government of Syria would bring Russia into the war. Iran would also respond which is exactly what some of the neocons want.

The war could easily escalate further from there.


11. sep 2007


22. sep 2011
Obišči stran
Od kdaj se je pa treba razstrelit da si fanatik ?
Ne rabiš se. Vsi verniki so fanatiki. Čez glavo preveč je, če prilezeš v tujo deželo in potem tam furaš svojo religijo, ki si jo v svoji siromašni oprani glavi privlekel s seboj v deželo kjer jo ne poznajo in nočejo. Seveda vedno ampak res vedno, sledi širjenje in celo vsiljevanje tega sranja. Če ti ne paše živeti brez svoje religije, spokaj od koder si prišel pa se tam klanjaj alahu in ostalim opicam.

Se spomnite telih? Tako bi morali ukrepati povsod zoper vsakega, ki želi furat neko svojo religijo v tuji deželi.


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12. dec 2022
Nekdanji ameriški kongresnik Ron Paul: "Hamas je ustanovila izraelska vlada kot protiutež Jaserju Arafatu."

Nekdanji izraelski premier Jicak Rabin: "Podpora in ustvarjanje Hamasa je bila usodna napaka."

Nekdanji strokovnjak za interakcijo z arabskim prebivalstvom polkovnik David Haham: "Izraelska podpora skrajnežem, kot je Jassin (ustanovitelj Hamasa), je izvirni greh, takrat ni nihče razmišljal o posledicah."

Rabin Avner Cohen, ki je bil 20 let odgovoren za verske zadeve v Gazi: "Hamas je, na mojo veliko žalost, stvaritev Izraela."

Tako je bilo tudi s talibani, ISIS in drugimi terorističnimi strukturami, ki so jih ustvarile ZDA in NATO.

isis je zanimiv, izrael se jih ni dotaknil, tudi ko so bili na južni meji...


Izključen uporabnik
2. mar 2018
Hamasovci srbom ne sežejo do kolen...po umorih
Posnetek zaslona 2023-10-15 092320.jpg


16. dec 2013
Hamasovci srbom ne sežejo do kolen...po umorih
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