Matey, se popravljam
Among the most notable resistance movements were Yugoslav Partisans, the Soviet partisans[a], the Polish Resistance (including the Polish Home Army, that started the Warsaw Uprising on August 1, 1944, Leśni, and the greater Polish Underground State); the Chinese resistance, the Italian Resistenza (led mainly by the Italian CLN); the Jewish Resistance in various German-occupied territories, the Korean Resistance in the Japan Occupied Korea and the Chinese Zone, the Greek Resistance, the French Resistance, the Belgian Resistance, the Norwegian Resistance, the Danish Resistance, the Czech resistance, the Albanian resistance, the Dutch Resistance (especially the "LO" (national hiding organisation)) and the politically persecuted opposition in Germany itself (there were 16 main resistance groups and at least 27 failed attempts to assassinate Hitler with many more planned).
Francija je bila med ww2 tudi to:
Soseda Hrvaška NDH
Tole IDF bombardiranje Gaze je nadaljevanje, kar so prvi začeli (kdo bi si mislil, Angleži, ko jim je šel svetovni imperij dokončno v pm)