Uporabnik smt pravi:
hebat ga. apple postaja kitajc. vsakih par mesecev nov model. cene gor, kvaliteta pa ne.
In an investors note this morning, Jefferies analyst Peter Misek says Apple is planning to release the iPhone 5S in June of 2013, reports Business Insider.
Misek is predicting the iPhone 5S has a new "super HD camera/screen, a better battery, and NFC," and "possible updates include an IGZO screen for Retina+, 128GB storage." He's also predicting it comes in 6-8 colors, presumably similar to the iPod Touch which comes in a bunch of colors.
Apple has released its last two iPhone models in the fall; however, the iPhone 3G and iPhone 4 did come out mid-year.
Misek's report appears to corroborate another from DigiTimes which said the iPhone 5S will enter volume production in the first quarter of 2013.
Analyst Peter Misek with Jefferies says there are iPhone 6 prototypes floating around, including one with a giant screen, reports Business Insider.
Several iPhone 6 prototypes appear to be floating around. The model with a 4.8" screen is the most interesting. It has a Retina+ IGZO screen, a new A7 quad-core processor variant, and a new form factor with no home button. Full gesture control is also possibly included.
The idea of Apple dropping the home button has been rumored in the past but hasn't materialized. Although, Apple has added gesture controls to the iPad.
Misek also predicted the iPhone 5S would be released in June 2013.
Uporabnik R0KY pravi:
mam slab filing, da bo brez jobsa apple sou v 3pm...
Točno tako, drži. Sam včasih Samsunga niti povohal ne bi, danes mi pa slina leti iz gobca, kaj bi dal za SGT2Citat:
Uporabnik brgo pravi:
Uporabnik R0KY pravi:
mam slab filing, da bo brez jobsa apple sou v 3pm...
Dokler bo trajala inercija bo še šlo, potem pa... Pomankanje inovativnosti in aroganca se že vračata kot bumerang. Sicer imajo veliko bazo vernikov, zraven pa še večjo bazo smrtnih sovražnikov in so s tem sami sebi omejili trg. Po drugi strani za samsunga vsem dol visi, oni pa samo prodajajo in prodajajo vsak dan več.
Uporabnik GSMobil pravi:
Sam včasih Samsunga niti povohal ne bi, danes mi pa slina leti iz gobca, kaj bi dal za SGT2. Top!
Uporabnik doto pravi:
To gre v obe smeri. Ga ni denarja, da vzamem Samsunga. Sem se s SGS dovolj opekel. Če bi kupoval androida pride samo nexus v poštev.