Wikileaks je objavil korespondenco in dokumente klimatskih znanstvenikov na,_data,_models,_1996-2009
Ker trenutno stran Wikileaks ne deluje, si lahko dokumente naložite preko Vuze - Wikileaks-Climatic.Research.Unit.foi-leaked-data-emails,data,models,
Climatic Research Unit emails, data, models, 1996-2009
From Wikileaks
Released November 21, 2009
This archive presents over 120Mb of emails, documents, computer code and models from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, written between 1996 and 2009.
The CRU has told the BBC that the files were obtained by a computer hacker 3-4 days ago.
This archive includes unreleased global temperature analysis computer source code that has been the subject of Freedom of Information Act requests.
The archive appears to be a collection of information put together by the CRU prior to a FoI redaction process.
fastest (Sweden), current site, slow (US), Finland, Netherlands, Poland, Tonga, Europe, SSL, Tor
Context: United Kingdom, CRU
Primary language - English
File size in bytes - 64936854
File type information - Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract
Cryptographic identity - SHA256 0364b2bce1fea6a3906707a9804a2f8b2b6b6bfa0234479cd363e9c368c60166
Ker trenutno stran Wikileaks ne deluje, si lahko dokumente naložite preko Vuze - Wikileaks-Climatic.Research.Unit.foi-leaked-data-emails,data,models,