- ghost rider -


29. okt 2011
je še živ ali je pod rušo?
Ne duha ne sluha o njem več.

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Pa nekaj sem videl, da je še testiral oz. podiral hitrostni rekord v vožnjo po zadnjem kolesu.

Zdaj pa ne vem kje je, mogoče ima pike.


31. mar 2008
His name is Patrick Furstenhoff. He is about 40 years old, has a wife and two kids and works in a Subaru Dealership.
He was actually a motorcross and stunt rider, liked the sportsbikes but left it too late in life to try and go pro.

He is no longer hiding his identity. The Police Know who he is, so he says there is no point anymore.
He has actually never been arrested and charged for it. 'Police have no firm evidence it's him on the bike in the movies'.

The first Ghost Rider movie was an 'up yours' to all the car nuts who were raving about a movie called "The Getaway".
Patrik and friends saw how staged it was and decided to do it on the bike but for real. So Ghost Rider was born.
The first GR movie was to be the only movie made. From it's release it's popularity grew and he was offered
stupid amounts of money from a film company to make another.....so it continued.

What people don't know is that;
1. He had spotters up the freeway to signal to him what is going on with the traffic and to inform of unexpected dangers.
2. Practice runs are first done to learn the road.
3. Practice runs are done to test different tyres and see what will hold up.
4. Practice, practice, practice.

He also holds the world record for the highest speed up on the back wheel - 347km/h
That was done on a naked black turbo Hayabusa. - Possibly repainted his green one.
His green turbo Hayabusa has a top speed of 430km/h and has 500hp.
His main black GSXR1000 is a full carbon fibre job - He has multiple Suzuki's.




Tud jst bi mel takšno zbirko!!!


24. dec 2009
tam ko se terc po tori rola
Jaz bi tudi imel te motorje... Pa prodat in kupit enega fajn cruiserja. Petrol, kot sponzor, pa lahko ostane...
Drugače pa... kaj pa veš, če je tip res pravi Ghost rider. Po enih podatkih je imel crash, po drugih je bil ujet in na prestajanju kazni... Mislim, da tip na gornjih slikah ni to, za kar se predstavlja. Če bi res bil, bi mu sledilo precej kazni... Saj konec koncev tu priznava, da je dirkal preko vseh omejitev, kršil milijontavžent predpisov... Ali pa policija ni to, kar je bila Milica...
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