Francozi protestirajo


25. avg 2007
I'm French, living near Lyon. A lot of people are mistaken :

We're not protesting for a few cents off the fuel bill. We're not protesting because we want to pay less taxes.
We're protesting to be able to live decently.
We're protesting because we want the taxes to be applied equally to everyone.
We're protesting because 10 years ago we put ~€ 400 billion to save banks, and last year the government voted a "pact" with big companies saying "we reduce your charges by 40 billion, but you hire 1 million". They cashed in and didn't hire a single person.
We're protesting because for 20 years the govt told us to "buy diesel cars, it's safer, cheaper to use,..." and now diesel is more expensive than gasoline (~€1,5/L).
We're protesting because nurses have to take care of more than 50 patients at once, for less than €1200/month.
We're protesting because every single law that is voted is voted in favor of the 1%.
We're protesting because we're being told that "we people don't know what's good for us, but that's normal, after all we're the people, we can't understand" (govt deputy)
We're protesting because mass medias are lying to our face ("did you know that there were only 120k people protesting maximum?" That's at least three times less than the real figures).
We're protesting because the only measure the govt has taken until now is to freeze the fuel tax for 6 months and imprison protesters (up to 6 months of jail).
We're protesting because we want to stop being fucked all day long by bosses/investors/taxes/prices/state agencies.
We're protesting because we are tired of being slaved.
I could go on and on about this. Just remember: "When the government violates the rights of the people, insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties" (Declaration of rights of man and citizen, 1793)


30. avg 2007
okolica metropole
I'm French, living near Lyon. A lot of people are mistaken :

We're not protesting for a few cents off the fuel bill. We're not protesting because we want to pay less taxes.
We're protesting to be able to live decently.
We're protesting because we want the taxes to be applied equally to everyone.
We're protesting because 10 years ago we put ~€ 400 billion to save banks, and last year the government voted a "pact" with big companies saying "we reduce your charges by 40 billion, but you hire 1 million". They cashed in and didn't hire a single person.
We're protesting because for 20 years the govt told us to "buy diesel cars, it's safer, cheaper to use,..." and now diesel is more expensive than gasoline (~€1,5/L).
We're protesting because nurses have to take care of more than 50 patients at once, for less than €1200/month.
We're protesting because every single law that is voted is voted in favor of the 1%.
We're protesting because we're being told that "we people don't know what's good for us, but that's normal, after all we're the people, we can't understand" (govt deputy)
We're protesting because mass medias are lying to our face ("did you know that there were only 120k people protesting maximum?" That's at least three times less than the real figures).
We're protesting because the only measure the govt has taken until now is to freeze the fuel tax for 6 months and imprison protesters (up to 6 months of jail).
We're protesting because we want to stop being fucked all day long by bosses/investors/taxes/prices/state agencies.
We're protesting because we are tired of being slaved.
I could go on and on about this. Just remember: "When the government violates the rights of the people, insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties" (Declaration of rights of man and citizen, 1793)

všeč. bombaj po svetu z ameri in angleži..vnašaj demokracijo..trpi..... 100 pacientov za manj kot 1000€ bo čez par bo joka dizel, rebak na noge i šetaj...


19. avg 2007
Tako je...miljarde v bombe, vojake, operacije za "demokracijo" po svetu, doma pa jebat lasten folk, pa ni, ni denarja...O, je, je, denarja, polno ga je....ljudje, če gledaš od daleč iz "vesolja" smo še vedno na primitivni ravni, tudi, če je tehnologija močno napredovala zadnjih 100 let. Miselnost je še vedno 100 let za tehnologijo.
Pohlep, pohlep, pohlep.......vladaj, vladaj, vladaj.....kradi, kradi, kradi......Miselnost ---> NULA (srednji vek in vsi veki nazaj)
Nazadnje urejeno:


30. avg 2007
okolica metropole
a ga lahko twitneš trumpu? nisem nikoli uporabljal to, a vidim, da je ta tehnologija presegla rdeči telefon med moskovo in washingtonom. prek njega se vsi menijo.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Kamele0N


30. avg 2007
okolica metropole
Tako je...miljarde v bombe, vojake, operacije za "demokracijo" po svetu, doma pa jebat lasten folk, pa ni, ni denarja...O, je, je, denarja, polno ga je....ljudje, če gledaš od daleč iz "vesolja" smo še vedno na primitivni ravni, tudi, če je tehnologija močno napredovala zadnjih 100 let. Miselnost je še vedno 100 let za tehnologijo.
Pohlep, pohlep, pohlep.......vladaj, vladaj, vladaj.....kradi, kradi, kradi......Miselnost ---> NULA (srednji vek in vsi veki nazaj)

da, zahodna civilizacija je zgrešila bistvo življenja in to se sedaj odraža. pri tistih z več špeha mal pozneje, pri bolj kumrnih pa prej. mi smo 92 ugotovil, da iz druge švice ne bo nič, okol 2010 se opasuljili, da tut iz dežele ne bo nič. francozi počas dohajajo. sporo al sigurno.