Uporabnik roCkY pravi:
Na NG je dokumentarec o tej seriji. Se splača pogledat dokler je še v zamiku dosegljiv.
Hvala, da si povedal! Sem si ravnokar ogledal. Dober dokumentarec.
Uporabnik roCkY pravi:
Na NG je dokumentarec o tej seriji. Se splača pogledat dokler je še v zamiku dosegljiv.
I feel very bad about the incident and after looking at the videos I understand that I am responsible. I just did not see him, feel very bad
The most important thing is that my friend @NickHeidfeld is ok, sorry again Nick, you know I would never do something like this...
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Uporabnik Gargy pravi:
Vsi imajo nek Power Boost, zgleda da je še mel malo rezerve. Pametno je odpeljal
Če sem pravilno prebral, lahko navijači, med dirko, preko spletne strani (kasneje preko aplikacije) Formule E, glasujejo za voznika, ki bo imel pravico koristiti Power Boost.
Očitno je bil izglasovan Nick Heidfeld
Ahead of the very first Formula E race, we held a full event simulation at Donington. This included a 24-lap race, which you can watch here. Lots of things were being tested, so they are not consistent with our final product, but the on-track action is stunning. Enjoy!