Po teh navodilih sploh ne morem iti, ker nimam nikjer MEDIA LINK v optionu.
Step1: Get into Service Menu
Turn TV off
Press Info
Press Menu
Press Mute
Turn TV on
---> Service Menu will appear as TV turns on.
(All the steps must be done within 3 seconds)
Step 2: Turn On MediaLink
Go into "Options"
Change Medialink Type = Infolink ON
Step 3: Choose a country for Media Link
Press Return until you reach the top menu
Got into "Control"
Then into "Sub Option"
Make the following change:
Infolink Country = to any thing other than NONE, I chose Vietnam
Turn TV off, Turn TV on.
Press the Internet@ button. Surf Well.
1. make sure you have configured the network as per the TV manual for this to completely work.
2. The weather will be for the country you chose in step 3, this can be changed on the widget.
Tako da očitno ne bo šlo s tem