Uporabnik NigelM pravi:
Uporabnik eazy pravi:
Moliti za... ali opravicevati za ni ravno isto ali podobno. Btw, recimo na Svedskem so se nedolgo nazaj sezigali dzamije.
Nikjer ne govorim o opravičevanju - ni logično, da bi se kdorkoli opravičeval za nekaj, kar ni storil. Govorim o jasni in odločni obsodbi terorističnih dejanj.
Glede mošeje na Švedskem; govoriš o tisti, ki je ponesreči zagorela zaradi ognjemeta ali kateri drugi?
Dobro ves na kaj vse se je pozivalo muslimane....
Another arson attack on the mosque in Malmö, just a month after the previous one.
As of New Year's Eve evening, police had no suspects for an attack against a mosque in Malmö earlier in the day when shots had been fired through the window of the building.
The imam was taken to hospital to treat minor cuts from glass splinters, but he was not struck by a bullet. He was allowed to leave the hospital after his cuts were bandaged.
A fire was set to a mosque in Strömsund (Jämtland) Thursday night. The mosque, which is located in the basement of an apartment block, serves the local Muslims, mostly immigrants and refugees from Uzbekistan.
The fire burned along the wall under the window. The police found burned cartons inside and did not find any natural causes for the fire, says Per Hanspik, police forensic investigator.