Uporabnik lanos pravi:
Me zanima, kakšni bodo komentarji, ko bo iz đamije pozivalo k molitvi....
to pa bo kastrofa... poziv na molitev
cela k. tragedija
Uporabnik lanos pravi:
Me zanima, kakšni bodo komentarji, ko bo iz đamije pozivalo k molitvi....
Uporabnik Simon_Vi pravi:
Cela tragedija, ker za koji k... je treba se dreti alalllalala atakahalan clio. Naj se derejo v musli deželah, ta dežela je katoliška. In pika.
Uporabnik Simon_Vi pravi:
...vašimi kreteni, ki pobijajo folk v imenu alaha. Tudi če so izrodki, še vedno jim prikimavate civilizirani, ali pa bolj natančno, prilagojeni muslimani.
Ker že omenjaš cerkve...koliko jih je v muslimanskih deželah in koliko je mošej v katoliških deželah ?
Uporabnik ceedevita pravi:
to je v nemčiji ne v sloveniji
v sloveniji bomo gradili đamijo
Uporabnik ggg pravi:
Se en, ki ne razlikuje med dzamijo in mosejo.... itak slovenski kreteni, kmetje zabiti.
Uporabnik ggg pravi:
A mi ti koncno enkrat odgovoris, zakaj vasih 2 milijardi muslimanov ne obsodi ISA bojevnikov, ki baje niso pravi muslimani? Cemu jih ne spravite pameti? Ni jih veliko, nekaj 10.000. V 14 dneh zatrete tole za salo. Pa nic?!
Opravicilo za njih dejanja? Obzalovanje? Obsodba??!
Uporabnik stieber pravi:
Aja, kdo na zahodu točno je priznal kalifat? 'vojvoda'?
September 10, 2014
Last Wednesday, 200 Bosnian police plus officials from the State Protection and Investigation Agency (SIPA) raided more than a dozen locations over six hours in what the authorities named Operation DAMASCUS. Planned for weeks and based on months of SIPA surveillance of extremists in towns and cities across Bosnia, the police executed arrest warrants in Sarajevo, Kiseljak, Zenica, Maglaj, Srebrenik, Buzim, and Tesliæ.
Bosniæ is the “big fish” in this operation, since he can be linked to dozens of Bosnians and other Europeans who have joined the Middle Eastern jihad on behalf of the Islamic State. Also arrested was Hamdo Fojnica, a highly radical preacher who sent his own son, Emrah, to Iraq, where last month he killed himself with a suicide vest in Baghdad, killing twenty-four civilians, including six children, two of them infants. The elder Fojnica publicly celebrated his son’s “martyrdom.” Another radical taken into custody was Fikret Zukiæ, a prolific Islamic State recruiter who has sent two of his sons to fight in Syria.
Several jihad veterans were taken into custody too, including Ibro Deliæ from Zenica, who fought in Syria for several months last year then went home to recruit more fighters, regaling them with tales of his derring-do in the battle for Aleppo. Emin Hodžiæ was arrested in Sarajevo, where he was living since his return from Syria, where he met his wife, a Serbian citizen who had gone to Syria with her parents and brothers to partake of the “family jihad” experience. Senad Hukiæ from Tuzla, a close friend of Imam Bosniæ, is an economist who had participated in “humanitarian missions” to Syria that were actually cash-smuggling operations for the jihad, according to SIPA, which led to his arrest. The police missed Senad Čolakoviæ from Zenica, a veteran of the notorious 7th Muslim Brigade during the 1992-95 Bosnian war, and now an energetic jihad recruiter connected to several Bosnians who have gone to Syria and Iraq, who was not at home when authorities tried to execute his arrest warrant. His family said he was in Slovenia “on business.”
Operation DAMASCUS has revealed a troubling connection to Slovenia, where Bosnian radicals have been agitating among the Muslim community in that small and peaceful Alpine country. According to Bosnian intelligence, two Slovene converts, Rok Žavbi and Boštjan Skubica, went to fight in Syria after meeting with Bilal Bosniæ (perhaps importantly, the imam has family in Slovenia). After spending time on Bosniæ’s farm at Buzim, presumably to prepare them for jihad, the pair traveled to Sarajevo via the Salafi “ratline,” then proceeded to Syria via Turkey. Žavbi and Skubica are believed to be the first Slovenes to join the Salafi jihad on behalf of the Islamic State.
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Malo o operaciji Damask v Bosni:
September 10, 2014
Last Wednesday, 200 Bosnian police plus officials from the State Protection and Investigation Agency (SIPA) raided more than a dozen locations over six hours in what the authorities named Operation DAMASCUS. Planned for weeks and based on months of SIPA surveillance of extremists in towns and cities across Bosnia, the police executed arrest warrants in Sarajevo, Kiseljak, Zenica, Maglaj, Srebrenik, Buzim, and Tesliæ.
Bosniæ is the “big fish” in this operation, since he can be linked to dozens of Bosnians and other Europeans who have joined the Middle Eastern jihad on behalf of the Islamic State. Also arrested was Hamdo Fojnica, a highly radical preacher who sent his own son, Emrah, to Iraq, where last month he killed himself with a suicide vest in Baghdad, killing twenty-four civilians, including six children, two of them infants. The elder Fojnica publicly celebrated his son’s “martyrdom.” Another radical taken into custody was Fikret Zukiæ, a prolific Islamic State recruiter who has sent two of his sons to fight in Syria.
Several jihad veterans were taken into custody too, including Ibro Deliæ from Zenica, who fought in Syria for several months last year then went home to recruit more fighters, regaling them with tales of his derring-do in the battle for Aleppo. Emin Hodžiæ was arrested in Sarajevo, where he was living since his return from Syria, where he met his wife, a Serbian citizen who had gone to Syria with her parents and brothers to partake of the “family jihad” experience. Senad Hukiæ from Tuzla, a close friend of Imam Bosniæ, is an economist who had participated in “humanitarian missions” to Syria that were actually cash-smuggling operations for the jihad, according to SIPA, which led to his arrest. The police missed Senad Čolakoviæ from Zenica, a veteran of the notorious 7th Muslim Brigade during the 1992-95 Bosnian war, and now an energetic jihad recruiter connected to several Bosnians who have gone to Syria and Iraq, who was not at home when authorities tried to execute his arrest warrant. His family said he was in Slovenia “on business.”
Operation DAMASCUS has revealed a troubling connection to Slovenia, where Bosnian radicals have been agitating among the Muslim community in that small and peaceful Alpine country. According to Bosnian intelligence, two Slovene converts, Rok Žavbi and Boštjan Skubica, went to fight in Syria after meeting with Bilal Bosniæ (perhaps importantly, the imam has family in Slovenia). After spending time on Bosniæ’s farm at Buzim, presumably to prepare them for jihad, the pair traveled to Sarajevo via the Salafi “ratline,” then proceeded to Syria via Turkey. Žavbi and Skubica are believed to be the first Slovenes to join the Salafi jihad on behalf of the Islamic State.