Covid-19 Covid 19 - The best of


26. sep 2007
No predlani -2 meseca je kup članov alterja hodilo v štacuno samo 1x na 14 dni, vrečke iz trgovine so razkužili in pustili v kleti za 3 dni. Dnevni časopis in pošto (sploh s kitajske) so pustili v karanteni 3 dni in šele nato pisma prebrali/odprli. (to so dejanske izjave članov alterja v sosednji temi)

A lahko danes temu z objektivnim pogledom rečemo pretiravanje ali vsaj "komedija"?
Z današnjega vidika se strinjam z vprašanjem, takrat pa so omenjeni ukrepi bili shajanje z/bližanje neznanemu z varne strani.


6. sep 2007

Anti-vaxxer still hasn’t opened Christmas presents because he doesn’t know what’s inside​


An anti-vaxxer’s Christmas presents remain steadfastly unwrapped today after he continued insisting that any time you don’t know what’s in something, it must be dangerous.

Simon Williams, 29, is a dedicated opponent of the covid-19 jab, claiming that it remains untested and the ingredients remain a mystery, both of which are objectively false statements. “I’m not touching those presents,” confirmed Williams. “Could be anything in there. Do you think I’m going to be convinced just because the rest of you are opening them and pretending to enjoy the contents? Unlike you, I’m not a sheep. Sure, you’re having a jolly time NOW, but we don’t know what the long term effects of those gifts might be. You lot can be the guinea pigs, as far as I’m concerned. I shall open my gifts when I know they are safe – in around five years or so. I’m not the crazy one here. If you’d done your own research, you’d realise the severe risks you’re all taking.”

Simon’s mother sighed “Brilliant. We could have just wrapped up some empty boxes. “I guess we will just donate that PlayStation 5 to a family that will be grateful for it.”

  • Haha
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