Mogoče, pa med cepljenimi. Sumi se, da hujše variante razvijejo cepljeni z leaky cepivi, tj. takimi, kot jih imamo sedaj, ki ne preprečijo okužbe, ampak menda samo hujše posledice. Slednje pripelje do tega, da življenje več ni mogoče brez novih in novih boosterjev proti isti bolezni.Ni treba, se bodo cist lepo produciral med ne cepljenimi v razvitih drzavah
Brazilija in Južna Afrika sta bili poligon za Pfizerjevo raziskavo cepiva v prvih fazah. Indija pa je doma testirala svoja leaky cepiva.
Kdo ve kaj se valja za bregom?
Leaky Vaccines Enhance Spread of Deadlier Chicken Viruses
Over the past fifty years, Marek’s disease—an illness of fowl—has become fouler. Marek’s is caused by a highly contagious virus, related to those that cause herpes in humans. It spreads through the dust of contaminated chicken coops, and caused both paralysis and cancer. In the 1970s, new...
In the 1970s, new vaccines brought the disease the under control. But Marek’s didn’t go gently into that good night. Within ten years, it started evolving into more virulent strains, which now trigger more severe cancers and afflict chickens at earlier ages.
This problem, where vaccination fosters the evolution of more virulent disease, does not apply to most human vaccines. Those against mumps, measles, rubella, and smallpox are “perfect:” They protect against disease and stop people from transmitting the respective viruses.