Takole. Za hec sem malo tudi sam potestiral in stvar deluje. Z neta sem brzino potegnil neko mapo Maribora v jpeg formatu in jo v Google Earthu pozicijoniral ter poslal v Garmina. Stvar deluje tudi v kombinaciji z drugimi kartami, AR in AT, seveda razumljivo da le v 2d načinu.
Od "oka" sem šlampig hitro prilimal sliko na v GE.
ukaz=prosojnica s sliko
Nekaj je omejitev pri slikah:
Is is ok to have more than one jpeg inside the kmz file.
doc.kml, inside the kmz file, is the only kml file that will be processed.
Jpegs are the only type of image supported.
kmz files are read from \Garmin\CustomMaps directory on both the unit's internal memory and on the sd card.
Images over 1 mega pixel (1024x1024 pixels, 512x2048 pixels, etc.) will be rendered at a reduced resolution on the unit. If this is causing a problem for your map, you can split the image and use multiple jpegs inside of one kmz file. Here's an example of a map has an images that has been split into 4 jegps.
Each jpeg should be less than 3MB.
The max number of Custom Map jpegs you can load is 100.
The time it take to draw the map is directly proportional to the file size of the jpegs being drawn.
These are the xml tags that are processed by the unit:
Nato sem karto prekopiral na Garmina...
Deluje pa še dokaj preprosto je.