Colorado 300 vs Oregon 300


Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Isto mi je naredilo pri verziji 2.97beta zdaj.
Priklopi na pc in obriši ta file na roko (pred tem baterijo ven za hiš da se izklopi).
gupdate.gcd <--- tega obriši

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

In nadaljevanje.
Z univerzal extractorjem razpakiraj .exe file od upgrejda in na roko skopiraj gupdate.gcd v Garmin mapo na Oregonu.
In zadeva deluje z lahkoto.

evo in mrha dela

Novost: po updejtu 2.97 se Oregon sam vklopi, ko ga priklopiš na PC, prej sem moral ga ročno vklopiti.

p.s. ne bi bil vesel, če bi friznil, ker ga rabim za vikend


Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Odstrani pokrov in vzemi ven baterijo za hip in jo nato vtakni nazaj.
Nato prvo priklopi USB kabel v Oregona in ga vklopi. Še preden bo hotel preverjati upgrade, se bo povezal s PCjem.

Varianta 2. Če držiš 30 sekund gumb za power na Oregonu se naprava preklopi v PC način.

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Verjetno pa morajo biti neke spremembe, saj kot vidimo se je dvignila različica programske opreme iz 2.80 na 3.40...


18. jul 2007
Oregon 300 software version 2.99 Beta

as of June 22, 2009

Change History
Changes made from version 2.98 to 2.99:

* Added ability to load maps from any img file in the Garmin directory
* Improved display of numeric degrees and mills
* Improved Wherigo stability
* Fixed elevation errors when reviewing a point other than a waypoint

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Počakati raje še par dni...

Not Recommended. The ability to have multiple map files on the unit is a great new feature, but unfortunately this release suffers from a crash when the unit is powered off. This crash seems to prevent some (most?) configuration changes from being saved across reboots. Given that there might be profile file corruption involved, I recommend not upgrading to this release.

Izbrisan uporabnik #488


Malo bom počakal še na odzive.

Odpravili bi naj tudi težavo z budilko, poljubnim poimenovanjem img in še kaj.

Prvi Garmin, kjer lahko IMG datoteko poimenuješ kakor ti srce poželi.
<-- na kartici



Sedaj lahko imaš naloženo praktično karkoli...
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18. jul 2007
Uporabnik Snecer pravi:
Prvi Garmin, kjer lahko IMG datoteko poimenuješ kakor ti srce poželi.

Na Coloradu se tudi da:

Change History
Changes made from version 2.92 to 2.94:

* Added Waypoint Averaging application. (For more information visit our new Trail Tech website at
* Added ability to load maps from any img file in the Garmin directory
* Added ability to see a list of points from the map when several points are at the same location
* Fixed hunting waypoint symbols not transferring properly

This beta seems to fix the crash on startup after powering down with an active autoroute.

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Novi fw 3.10, ki po dolgem času ni beta, no takoj pa so izdali že nadaljnjo beto 3.12...

Software 3.10

This release is very similar to 3.01 beta although there are three items included in Garmin's release notes for 3.10 that have not shown up in any prior beta:

Improved automatic route recalculation
Improved compass responsiveness in challenging GPS environment
Improved Spanish keyboard

Garmin has also indicated that 3.01 and 3.10 are similar but not identical, citing differences in how GB Discoverer works with multiple map .img files. The complete list of release notes from Garmin is below.

Added Waypoint Averaging application (For more information visit our new Trail Tech website at
Added Sight 'N Go application for the Oregon 300/400i/400c/400t
Added Man Overboard application
Added big numbers option to the trip computer
Added customizable text to unit power-on screen (see \Garmin\startup.txt)
Added ability to load maps from any img file in the Garmin directory
Added new trip computer dashboards
Added option to display four configurable data fields on the map
Added 'search near' option to Geocaches search
Added the ability to view geocache logs separate from the description
Added ability to see a list of points from the map when several points are at the same location
Added ability to edit a waypoint from the waypoint review
Added support for Custom POI database and category selection
Added distance and bearing to point when reviewing a Custom POI
Added POI subcategories
Added change location to Sun and Moon
Added change location to Hunt and Fish
Added ability to force the Oregon into mass storage mode by holding the power button for 30 seconds while plugged into a USB cable
Added NMEA 9600 baud
Improved render quality of GB Discoverer maps and maps with satellite imagery
Improved map zooming
Improved map draw speed
Improved map panning and zooming when shaded relief is turned on
Improved automatic route recalculation
Improved Custom POI spell search
Improved Main Menu setup and added option to add and remove items
Improved readability of configurable data fields
Improved display of numeric degrees and mils
Improved GPS performance at slow speeds in tree cover
Improved compass responsiveness in challenging GPS environments
Improved battery gage for NiMH batteries
Improved stability when changing profiles
Improved Wherigo stability
Improved connection reliability with Spanner
Improved Spanish keyboard
Fixed airport points not displaying on the map
Fixed lockup when a search returns no results
Fixed elevation errors when reviewing a point other than a waypoint
Increased the number of waypoints viewable from the Waypoint Manager and Where To?>Waypoints

In še beta.

Software 3.12 (beta)

GPS Firmware changes to 3.70. Tracklogs are more averaged, feels like we are going back to 2.8 with more heavily averaged location and tracklog data at the expense of accuracy.

Improved GPS performance
Expanded support for custom POIs

3.10 si naložite.

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Ne vem če ima to možnost, lahko pa vidiš Unit ID od naprave, poglej gornjo sliko, je vseeno ali je odklenjeno na kartičin id ali na id naprave.


5. maj 2008
Lahko bi odprl novo temo, pa bom vseeno postavil tri offtopic vprašanja:

Ali je Oregon 300 uporaben za cestno navigiranje? Zanima me predvsem zaradi manjšega zaslona aparata. Skrbi me namreč, da ceste, med uporabo v avtu, na zaslonu ne bodo dobro vidne in se bom moral zanašati predvsem na govorno navigiranje.

Ali te pri uporabi cestnih map, npr. AR 2.30, naprava govorno usmerja?

Na internetu sem zasledil Oregona 550t po ugodni ceni. Priporočate njegov nakup ali pa so na njem kaki "bugi"?

Za odgovore že v naprej hvala!
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