Pa še malo o gesti s prstom in pomenu le-te:
"The gesture refers to the tawhid, "the belief in the oneness of God and a key component of the Muslim religion. More specifically, though, it refers to their fundamentalist interpretation of the tawhid, which rejects any other view, including other Islamic interpretations, as idolatry. It is affirming an ideology that demands the destruction of the West, as well as any form of pluralism. It also shows their belief that they will dominate the world."
Sicer je verjetno uporaba tega prsta pri SLO kolesarjih interpretirana drugače a ti šment, malce nerodno so si tole izbrali. Tako kot BlackLivesMatter talenti, ki so si prekopirali simbol za belo nadvlado in ga "spremenili" zgolj tako, da so ga dali v barvni negativ
"The gesture refers to the tawhid, "the belief in the oneness of God and a key component of the Muslim religion. More specifically, though, it refers to their fundamentalist interpretation of the tawhid, which rejects any other view, including other Islamic interpretations, as idolatry. It is affirming an ideology that demands the destruction of the West, as well as any form of pluralism. It also shows their belief that they will dominate the world."
Sicer je verjetno uporaba tega prsta pri SLO kolesarjih interpretirana drugače a ti šment, malce nerodno so si tole izbrali. Tako kot BlackLivesMatter talenti, ki so si prekopirali simbol za belo nadvlado in ga "spremenili" zgolj tako, da so ga dali v barvni negativ