

22. jul 2007
Danes nabavil karte za Barcelono.
7 eur v eno smer v drugo 30 :)

Vsi tisti ki ste ze bili dol me zanima
Prevoz iz letalisca Girona do centra, spanje, mestni prevoz za tri cele dni.
In kaj si moram v treh celih dneh ogledati.

Torej vsi nasveti in komentarji dobrodosli.


31. dec 2007
tri dni boš bolj divjal, ker v barceloni imaš res marsikaj za videti (ulica la rambla, štadion fc barcelona, Montjuic, ..)
mestni prevoz..lahko kupiš karto za turistični avtobus ali pa podzemna železnica (zakon)


22. jul 2007
Verjamem da veliko ne bom videl.
Stadion bom brez problema spustil.
Za ogled glavnih znamenitosti pa neki bo. Tri cele d ni plus dan ob prihodu in odhodu.


13. sep 2010
Avtobus do Barce gre "takoj" po letu je tako organizirano. Mislim da je uff 21eur v obeh smeri. Ja resno razmisli o kakem dnevu več, ker Barca ima olala za videt.
Mestni prevoz boš moral poštudirat kar pa ni težko in dela bp.

Drgače pa sem jaz dobil tale tip par let nazaj:

I went to see some buildings of Gaudi cause I find them interesting and different. When you see one, you get the feeling of his style and you can recognize others. But you should read some history for what perpose he designed certain house. It's interesting, trust me.
SAGRADA FAMILIA - maybe you know the story for that one. The most interesting thing about this Church is that it has been under construction since year 1882 and it's still not even close to finnish. There are some different opinions on finnishing it. Some say that they should leave it like Gaudi left it when he died in 1926 and others that they should finnish it. The thing is that they're using different materials than it was used before. You can even see what is the oldest part of the church. And the most important it is HUGE. Gaudi actually worked on the project for 40 years, till he died, he devoted the last 15 years of his life entirely to this project. Anyway you can read more on Wikipedia if you want. But go at least to see it. I didn't go inside though, cause I don't think there's so much to see in the curch, but for me it was just breath taking because of the hight and details.
You have the metro stop Sagrada Familia to take you there directly. Use line 2. Oh and BTW buy a T-10 ticket in the metro station, if you didn't already. It's for 10 rides with metro, bus (even night buses) or train. If you change metro-bus, metro-train or bus-train within 75 minutes, they charge you only once. It costs 7,70 euro I think.
Then go see CASA MILA, also from Gaudi. This one was built for the married couple, Rosario Segimon and Pere Milà.The design by Gaudi was not followed in some aspects. The local government objected to some aspects of the project. They refused to approve the installation of a huge sculpture atop the building - described as "the Virgin". You can walk on the top and you should. There's an entrance fee but I think it's worth to pay. When I was walking around thinking that this was built for people to live in, I was shocked. It's very "horror" if you ask me. I could never live in the house like this. Go see it! The address is 92 Passeig de Gracia, use Line 3 or 5 to Diagonal station.
There's another building of Gaudi called CASA BATLLO but I didn't saw that one. Maybe next time. Located at 43,Passeig de Gracia, so it's close to Casa Mila, if you would like to see it. I don't know much about that one though so search for it
But I did go to see PARK GUELL. There you can find even a house where Gaudi lived for some years. The story is that Gaudí's patron, Eusebi Güell, planned a suburban "city". His property was high above Barcelona, northwest and some distance from the city. More than 60 housing plots were allocated although only two homes were built on the property. Gaudi lived in one of them. The project was radical for its time and, as a real estate project, was a failure. The Barcelona City Council bought the property in 1922 and in the following year converted it to a municipal park. There is also a multi-coloured tiled mosaic seats, designed for a human body and it's surprisingly comfortable. Seat there! :) Oh and how to get there. Well we took a bus and walk through Parc del Carmel to the Parc Guell. You can miss Carmel though, not much to see there but it is a great view on the city from there. Or you can take the metro green line 3 and get off at the metro stop Vallacarca and than walk to the park OR take the bus number 24 (you will find this bus right on Passeo de Gracia... - so if you are at Placa Catalunya, there is a large department store which is called El Corte Ingles, cross that large street and you're on Passeo de Gracia). Just ask the bus driver to tell you where to get off. The bus stops right in front of the Park main entrance.

One day you would probably want to go to see Olimpic Stadium. Go to metro L2 Paral lel station and from there use Funicular (you will find it at that station) to Parc de Montjuic. It's a nice walk through that Park. It will take you to the Anella Olimpica :) Maybe you should go there late afternoon so when you'll walk to the Palau National de Montjuic you'll find there the Magic Fountain. Over 3000 workers worked on that project for less than 1 year before they opened the fountain. The first performance was in 1929. It's huge and it runs with music and lights. But it starts when the sun goes down so I can't tell the exact time (around 9 pm or 9.30 pm?!). But it's nice to see. From there go to Placa d'Espanya (it's right there, you'll see two towers) and take metro back to the center (L3 or L1).

We also went to see Poble Espanyol. It's a Spanish village containing the main characteristics of all towns and villages of different parts of Spain. I wasn't that impressed though. It's also at the mountain of Montjuic and you have to pay entrance fee.

If you would like you can go to see The Aquarium. It's supose to be one of the nices in the world?! Well don't know that but it is kind of nice. You will see some sharks if nothing else. And from very close.Just walk down the La Ramblas to the Mirador de Colom (to the seaside). Do you know that this statue "Mirador de Colom" is Columbus monument (at the end of the Ramblas). It was built in 1888 on the occasion of the Universal Exhibition commemorating the discovery of America. Yeah!

Of course you will go to Port Olimpic where you will find the Barcelona beach. Choose a hot day and go for a swim :) Metro stop Ciutadella - Vila Olimpica (yellow line 4) And when being on that part of the city, have a walk through Parc Ciutadella. I think it's the biggest city park. You probably noticed there's a lot of parks in Barcelona. This one is covering more than 700 acres. A lot of hippies goes there during the evenings, playing quitars, smoking... You get the picture :)

Go to La Boqueria Marcet. Have some fishes there for lounch. It's great! And have some fresh fruits or juices. You will find the entrance from La Ramblas on your left side, if you're walking towards Placa Catalunya :) I love their Marcet, don't know why I'm so excited.

Oh and don't miss the Dildo! Just to see it! Yes, you read it right. It's a business building in the shape of a dildo (I don't think that was the point when they designed it, but it looks like dildo)!

Ok, I guess this is enough for now. Probably there's lot more to see but even I didn't saw everything, that's why I have to go there again. Maybe you wanna see Picaso Museum?! Well, I didn't :)


22. jul 2007
Gre takoj to pomeni da se nekako cakajo.
Priletim ob 23:15 zadnji bus gre ob 00:00.
Mam dost casa oz ce zamudi se 'cakajo'
Ker ce sem dobro razumel prav povdarjajo da so locene druzbe.
Zdi pa se mi da delajo nekak v spanovijo.


28. jan 2008
Park Guel, sagrada familia, stadion, la rambla...sej so ti napisal. Prevoz pa podzemna, ampak pazi na kradljivce.


6. sep 2007
Če se ozirate za nizkocenovimi leti, bodite za Barcelono vedno pozorni, da leti na letališče El Prat in NE v Girono!


1. okt 2008
najboljše je, da greš na turistični bus. mislim, da je karta ene 30 evrov za 2 dni. te pelje res na vse največje znamenitosti. imaš pa na izbiro 3 linije, tako da lahko izbiraš, kaj bi raje videl.
priporočam vse, kar so ostali našteli že pred mano.
iz girone do barcelone pa je cca 1 uro vožnje. pa ob tisti uri ti kaj drugega kot taxi težko preostane. mogoče pa ti rata ulovit bus ob polnoči, saj imaš prtljago pr seb in šibaš z aviona direkt dol (brez čakanja na kufre).
v treh dneh se pa da kar precej videt.
če si pa že v gironi se mogoče splača odpeljat do figuerasa (dobro urco od girone). je tam dalijev muzej.
in ja! pazi na žeparje. še posebej na podzemni in na rambli.


22. jul 2007
Po polnoči ne vozi avtobus iz Girone v center Barcelone?
Kako je z denarjem, se bolj splača dol na bankomatu dvignit ali ne? kakšne so vaše izkušnje?


19. avg 2007
Uporabnik Rajc pravi:
Kako je z denarjem, se bolj splača dol na bankomatu dvignit ali ne? kakšne so vaše izkušnje?

Dvig na bankomatu je slaba dva evra, tako kot po celem svetu. Menjalnega tečaja ni, ker imajo tudi Španci EUR. S čim se ti bolje počutiš, presodi sam. Jaz tam še nisem bil, slišim pa vsako leto kakšno zgodbico kako so komu kaj ukradli...


20. avg 2007
Uporabnik Thrivial pravi:
Dvig na bankomatu je slaba dva evra, tako kot po celem svetu.

Koliko je meni znano, je dvig z Maestro kartico na bankomatih znotraj EU oz. tam kjer imajo Evre zastojn
sprasujem se.gif


9. nov 2007
Še v Sloveniji ni zastonj pri drugi banki (ne pri vsaki) pa bo po celi EU zastonj?
Nazadnje urejeno:


20. avg 2007
Uporabnik potnik pravi:
odvisno pri kateri banki si. Sem pri Sparkasse, pa je dvig v celem EU brezplačen

tako je...tudi pri Raiffeisen banki je dvig na bankomatih znotraj EU zastojn


22. jul 2007
da, pri NLB je pa dvig v španji, tam imajo tudi evre
, 0,47€.

hvala za odgovore


24. sep 2007
Če imaš ras znanost ti priporočam Sience Museum CosmoCaixa. Muzej je dokaj nov in kolko sem zasledil, ga ne pozna skoraj doben, zato lani še ni bilo gužve.

Vstopnina je 1-3€. Je eden največjih muzejev te vrste in imaš res kaj videt. Primeren je tudi za otroke, vsaka stvar je zelo preprosto razložena in se, da preizkusit na pratkičnem poiskusu. (znotraj muzej je še akvarij, planetarij, ni kaj ni ... )
Nazadnje urejeno: