Adijo Švedska?


10. feb 2008
Klin se s klinom izbija!

Death wisch-charles-bronson.gif
  • Haha
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6. sep 2007
Pa menda ja ne? Kdo bi si mislil...

Swedish politician regrets ‘refugees welcome’ policy: ‘We were fundamentally wrong on the immigration issue’​

Louise Meijer, an MP for Sweden’s centrist Moderate party, apologised to voters for her previous position on open borders. She regrets “making mistakes” by “pleading for openness and refugees [being] welcome”, she says. Meijer says she “changed her mind” over her views, in an opinion piece for Expressen this week. “Now, instead, I am advocating an even stricter migration policy than the one I opposed at the time,” she says.


1. apr 2013
Pa menda ja ne? Kdo bi si mislil...

Swedish politician regrets ‘refugees welcome’ policy: ‘We were fundamentally wrong on the immigration issue’​

Kako že pravijo dol na jugu? Posle j… nema kajanja.Vse ostalo bo zgodovina.


6. sep 2007

Pa se mi je zdelo, da sem ta video že videl (napad invalida z mobilnim skuterjem na krimigranta je le redka reč in ostane v spominu), nato pa preberem tole:
As a Swede, this was 2016-2017. Today is much worse
Nepresenetljivo, žal.



22. nov 2009
Pa menda ja ne? Kdo bi si mislil...

Swedish politician regrets ‘refugees welcome’ policy: ‘We were fundamentally wrong on the immigration issue’​

Švedska, ostani zvesta svojim načelom in ne skretaj sa puta.


mesija - Assassin's Creep
8. jul 2010
blizu močvirne prestolnice

Pa se mi je zdelo, da sem ta video že videl (napad invalida z mobilnim skuterjem na krimigranta je le redka reč in ostane v spominu), nato pa preberem tole:

Nepresenetljivo, žal.

Ampak Kalbo,Jest5, MSenjur,Ferdo pravijo da mi lažemo. Da so same dobre duše.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: visek_izobrazbe


mesija - Assassin's Creep
8. jul 2010
blizu močvirne prestolnice
Saj večina se itak ni nikoli prilagodila nam. So sicer kolikor toliko živeli mirno v svojih soseskah, niso pa nadlegovali ostale v državi. Sedaj pa ni miru nikjer. In to samo zato,ker so povsod presegli magično mejo 7 odstotkov pa še islam je zadaj. Levaki pa zadovoljni,ker glasujejo za leve stranke ampak oni so vedno močnejši in delajo za sebe ne za vse. Pač neumni levičarji


3. sep 2007
Ampak Kalbo,Jest5, MSenjur,Ferdo pravijo da mi lažemo. Da so same dobre duše.
Šved pravi:
"So, would I avoid these areas? I do live next to one of them, and have visited others. I would say that you should not avoid them but you might not have a reason to visit them.
When I was in Los Angeles I did visit Compton, and I felt less confortable there than in the vulnerable areas in Sweden."
Drugi Šved pravi;
"Like Per Westling says, the “no go” concept doesn’t really apply to Sweden. People and emergency personnel are free to go wherever, even if the residents of some areas have an unhealthy skepticism regarding the authorities.
The internal definition of vulnerable areas is pretty apt, however:
I happen to live in Rosengård, one of these areas, but I live in the part with hundred year old single-family homes. Just that fact should tell you something about the situation - the areas aren’t monolithic, and there’s high and low within them. I bike and walk through the area every day and it’s a pretty lush and calm place to be honest. There’s more kids outside playing in the parks and courtyards than in the rich part of town where I grew up, but I don’t factor that as a negative.
While unemployment is relatively high here and there’s a higher amount of criminal people living here as a consequence, criminal activity is pretty low here.
It makes sense when you think about it - there’s not much money to be garnered here, and whoever you get it from is bound to know who you are or find out pretty quickly, and if the victim is someone who knows the police won’t investigate some random robbery in a poor part of town, they might take things into their own hands. You don’t piss where you sleep, as it were.
So yes, much like other countries Sweden isn’t one thing, there are poor people here and they tend to live in certain, affordable areas, which means that the trouble associated with poverty and alienation is concentrated in these areas. Sweden used to be a very homogeneous country with small differences between the haves and the have-nots, but recent immigration AND right wing fiscal policies have changed this situation:
t used to be that the people living in the high-rises next to my area could move into the single-family houses once they got a proper job, but these days it’s people like me who grew up in richer areas who move here because we can’t afford to buy a house where we grew up either.
But relatively speaking, compared to other countries, the phenomenon is still small."

Seveda se situacija (tudi) na Švedskem slabša: "

Samo razlogi so pa lahko morda (tako pravijo ):
"Police have linked the violence to poor integration of immigrants, a widening gap between rich and poor and drug use."
"Some critics have argued these measures fail to address underlying social issues including child poverty and underfunded community services."

Skratka 5 razlogov, samo en migrantski.

Seveda pa, večina vas rada posluša konzervativce:
"Prominent members of the far-right Sweden Democrats, now the second-largest grouping in Sweden’s parliament (their support allowed the current centre-right government to take power in the 2022 election), have been quick to point the finger at migration.
However, the data shows a more complex picture, with the social fortunes of those living in areas most affected by crime falling behind the living standards of much of the rest of Sweden."

"The Swedish police have identified a number of “utsatta”, or vulnerable areas, across the country. "
"While these areas do have high proportions of residents born outside Europe and second- and third-generation immigrants, they have been shaped by socioeconomic circumstances over a long period of time, a factor which experts say is of far greater significance to the current situation."
"Socioeconomic factors are what mostly constitute the risks of ending up in crime,” not ethnicity, says Felipe Estrada Dörner, a professor of criminology at Stockholm University whose research centres on juvenile delinquency and segregation. “This is a classic and well known pattern, in Sweden and internationally.”"

Vem da je tole precej dolg prispevek, pa še v nerazumljivem jeziku, ki ga pač ne boste prebrali IN razumeli.

Če pa povzamem. Se z 8888 delno strinjam. Res laže.
  • Haha
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3. sep 2007
Migranti ali kdo drug?
Tisti, ki so že 2 ali3 generacijo tam, pa so še vedno na dnu?

Nekol sem prilepil link nekega Francoza, nesposoben amater profesor na neki nepomebni fakulteti, za razliko od briljatnih umov, ki se napajajo z "znanjem" ektremne desnice, tu na alterju, ki je razložil, zakaj v Franciji so problem DRUGA generacija priseljencev.
ZATO, ker so jih potlačili, ignorirali in jim niso dali šanse.

Samo tega briljantni umi altrerja in ostalih vrhunski poznavalcev sociologije ne razumejo, ker so krivi migranti (prva generacija, ki je prišla pred par leti) in ne-kristjani (trenutno Muslimani, pred 80 leti pa Židje, saj je vseeno, samo da ne hodijo v isto cerkev, čeprav verjamejo v istega boga :D) , skratka nekdo zunaj, samo MI ne.
  • Všeč mi je
  • Haha
Reactions: jest5 in sixpower
Migranti ali kdo drug?
Tisti, ki so že 2 ali3 generacijo tam, pa so še vedno na dnu?

Nekol sem prilepil link nekega Francoza, nesposoben amater profesor na neki nepomebni fakulteti, za razliko od briljatnih umov, ki se napajajo z "znanjem" ektremne desnice, tu na alterju, ki je razložil, zakaj v Franciji so problem DRUGA generacija priseljencev.
ZATO, ker so jih potlačili, ignorirali in jim niso dali šanse.

Samo tega briljantni umi altrerja in ostalih vrhunski poznavalcev sociologije ne razumejo, ker so krivi migranti (prva generacija, ki je prišla pred par leti) in ne-kristjani (trenutno Muslimani, pred 80 leti pa Židje, saj je vseeno, samo da ne hodijo v isto cerkev, čeprav verjamejo v istega boga :D) , skratka nekdo zunaj, samo MI ne.
kako so lahko po 2,3 generacijah še vedno na dnu? So zabiti, leni, ali enostavno preračunljivi, pa če k temu dodamo še njim naklonjeno zakonodajo in določene politične opcije... kako torej da ne morejo nizti generacije napredovat (vsaj) za 1 stopnjo?

Pri nas so recimo okvirji tak problem, potem se ti pa tak 3. generacijski model iz dna (socialc, nima niti končane OŠ, itd) pripelje s q7 za neki 10 k €.... Zanimivo a ne?