Tako ja, hitro zrelativiziraj zadevo in fail premnogih 
Poanta izjave Trumpa ni bila kot si jo predstavil tu na tabli. Gremo dalje.

Poanta izjave Trumpa ni bila kot si jo predstavil tu na tabli. Gremo dalje.
Ne pise zastonj v ZDA v trgovini na kladivu "do not eat""A Phoenix-area man has died and his wife was in critical condition after the couple took chloroquine phosphate, an additive used to clean fish tanks that is also found in an anti-malaria medication touted by Donald Trump as a treatment for Covid-19."
Arizona man dies after attempting to take Trump coronavirus 'cure'
Wife survives after couple in their 60s ingested chloroquine phosphate, which Trump falsely claimed was approved to treat coronaviruswww.theguardian.com
For Immediate Release: April 24, 2020
“We understand that health care professionals are looking for every possible treatment option for their patients and we want to ensure we’re providing them with the appropriate information needed for them to make the best medical decisions,” said FDA Commissioner Stephen M. Hahn, M.D. “While clinical trials are ongoing to determine the safety and effectiveness of these drugs for COVID-19, there are known side effects of these medications that should be considered. We encourage health care professionals making individual patient decisions closely screen and monitor those patients to help mitigate these risks. The FDA will continue to monitor and investigate these potential risks and will communicate publicly when more information is available.”
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are FDA-approved to treat or prevent malaria. Hydroxychloroquine sulfate is also FDA-approved to treat lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. These medicines have not been proven safe or effective for treating COVID-19. However, clinical trials are underway and additional trials are being planned to determine if these drugs can benefit patients with COVID-19. These trials are also examining whether the drugs can prevent COVID-19 among health care workers, first responders or people who have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19.
tip daje predloge oziroma ima zamisli kot 5 letniki... sedaj ali je to dobro ali slabo pa naj sodi vsak sam.Če si jaz pravilno predstavljam njegovo izjavo, ni govoril o nobeni Varikini ali šnopcu. Govoril je, da bi bilo za pogledat, če bi bilo kakšno razkužilo, ki bi bili primerno za intravenozno. Kakor ga berem, ni predlagal kar etanola, ampak nekaj primernega.
Kaj pa je penicilin drugega kot "razkužilo" ?