Things Ocasio-Cortez didn't applaud;
- Record low African-American & Hispanic unemployment
True, but:
The figures tend to be volatile and vary from month to month
The rate is still statistically higher than for other ethnic groups
- Stopping sex traffickers
Trump has offered no specifics about how his policies would address the scourge of sexual violence faced by migrants.
Four academic studies in 2018 show that illegal immigration does not increase the prevalence of violent crime or drug and alcohol problems. A study by the libertarian Cato Institute found that native-born residents were more likely to be convicted of a crime than were immigrants in the country lawfully or unlawfully. In an interview with NPR last May, then-White House chief of staff John Kelly acknowledged that most people crossing the border illegally “are not bad people.” “They’re not criminals,” Kelly said.
- ICE agent who saved 300 girls from smugglers
- Not killing full term babies
Večkrat dokazana laž, dal sem tudi link do zakona, ampak tu je Trump (in republikanci) zvest učenec Goebbelsa
- Veterans
In October 2018, Trump signet legislation to combat the opioid epidemic. The bill focused on improving access to treatment and services by getting rid of restrictions in Medicaid and Medicare. This bill did not include much money to fight the epidemic. But — the 21st Century Cures Act and the 2018 budget bill — included billions to increase treatment and research.
It would be more precise to say the VA accountability effort has been underway since 2014.
JE pa težko ploskati, ko ne več kaj je laž in kaj res. Povprečje je imel laž na 2 minuti