Uporabnik alkoholik pravi:
evo še v komunistični sloveniji ne preganjajo prostitk...
Uporabnik Demz pravi:
Lej, že pokojni Drnovšek je mirno razložil, da v smislu socialnega miru itd ...![]()
Vse ostalo je fovšarija. Pa še ti nastavi, če imaš kaj!![]()
Danes so Kitajci tudi uradno napovedali odprt boj ZDA in njih Svetovni banki z odprtjem AIIB – Azijske banke za infastrukturne investicije. V ZDA je zavladala popolna panika…..
Razumljivo, kajti do zdaj so bile ravno ZDA tiste, ki so s “svojo” Svetovno banko v Washingtonu diktirale pravila igre po svetu z nudenjem finančne in tehnične pomoči za razvojne programe državam v razvoju, s ciljem zmanjševanja revščine.
A kot je znano so ZDA, kamorkoli so prišle, s temi svojimi programi pomoči v bistvu le širile svojo demokracijo, kar je pomenilo, da so revne države zaradi njih pomoči postale še revnejše, predvsem pa izropane in v popolnih družbenih kaosih notranjih razprtij in vojn.
73-letni oče Dwight Hammond in 46-letni sin Steven Hammond morata namreč v ponedeljek dokončati 5-letno zaporno kazen, zaradi požiga državnega gozda, s katerim sta prikrila krivolov. Leta 2012 sta nezakonito ulovila vsaj sedem srn, dejanje pa sta želela prikriti s požigom, požar pa se je nato razširil na 52 hektarjev zaščitenega gozda v okviru omenjenega parka Malheur.
But despite the protest Dwight Hammond says he and his son plan to report peacefully to prison on Monday.
His lawyers told Associated Press "neither Ammon Bundy nor anyone within his group/organisation speak for the Hammond Family".
Uporabnik patriot pravi:
Tale dva imasta pa dobre kamerade:
73-letni oče Dwight Hammond in 46-letni sin Steven Hammond morata namreč v ponedeljek dokončati 5-letno zaporno kazen, zaradi požiga državnega gozda, s katerim sta prikrila krivolov. Leta 2012 sta nezakonito ulovila vsaj sedem srn, dejanje pa sta želela prikriti s požigom, požar pa se je nato razširil na 52 hektarjev zaščitenega gozda v okviru omenjenega parka Malheur.
I find it funny how delusional some of the US folks are since they think a bunch of folks with a bunch of rifles can "defend" them selfs against the government.
Heck...they don't even need to call in the Army since the National Guard is more than capable to FUBAR pretty much anything the population has to "offer".
otis24 Offline
Registered: 10/30/05
Posts: 1357
Loc: South Dakota
I'm o.k. with ranchers defending their property. This does not seem to be the case as I view it. From what I gather, the "protesters" are saying "this land belongs to We the People". Since I am a "We the People", I'm going to go onto these federal lands and use them for my own purposes".
That would be like me going into a federal building, setting up shop and running my business out of it. Since the building belongs to "We the People" and I am among those "people", the building belongs to me and I can use it how ever I want.
I've seen stories on some of these ranchers out west in the past. They have fenced off federal lands and claimed them for their own usage. Even so far as to running off other citizens. Hikers and campers have been run off federal lands that ranchers were claiming as their own. I guess the "We the People" claim only applies to them.
These ranchers have a right to elect someone who will change the way federal lands are used/managed or to petition the government if they choose. That is their right. What they do not have the right to do is seize the property (or use it as they wish). It is property that is held in common by "we the people", not owned for their individual use and profit.