Zakaj USA niso (več) najboljša država na svetu


3. sep 2007
moj prejšnji post je bil - kam so se firme selile, v katere države ZDA.

V tem članku je 10 najslabših držav, za življenje in delo v ZDA

Na obeh seznamih je "Top" Texas
Na obeh se 5 držav ponovi.

Kot sem napisal - firme se selijo v kapitalu prijazne države.
Briga njih za "Reproductive Rights, Health, Voting Rights, Worker Protections, Inclusiveness"
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Ateis


1. sep 2007
tvoja teza ne zdrži če pogledamo recimo bud, ki bo bankrotiral, zato ker : je bil preveč woke/ bil premalo woke za wokece.

že to da gre pivovarna ciljat transgender ljudi ti pove, da gre za popoln diskonekt med zdravo pametjo pa agendo.
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Reactions: 8888


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Zgodba o Hunter Biden-ovem laptopu, ki je bila objavljena v New York Postu pred zadnjimi predsedniskimi volitvami in so jo cenzurirala vsa socialna omrezja po navodilu zveznih agencij kljub temu, da je bila resnicna:



Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007

1) Mykola Zlochevsky

An FBI informant form publicly revealed Thursday shows Zlochevsky referred to Joe Biden as the “big guy.” Zlochevsky is the founder of Burisma Holdings. An FBI informant claimed in a FD-1023 form that Zlochevsky bribed Joe and Hunter Biden with $5 million each:

2) Gary Shapley

IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley said the leadership of the DOJ’s criminal investigation of Hunter Biden for alleged tax and gun violations prevented subordinates from investigating the “big guy.”

3) James Gilliar

Hunter Biden’s business partner, James Gilliar, dubbed Joe Biden ‘the big guy’ in a 2017 email. Gilliar used the monicker for Joe Biden in his May 13, 2017, email to whistleblower Tony Bobulinski, who confirmed “the big guy” was a reference to Joe Biden. The 2017 email revealed a business deal between Bobulinski, the Biden family, and high-ranking members of the Chinese Communist Party would include 10 percent “held by H for the big guy?”

4) Geoff Roger

An executive at wealth management company Glenmede Trust Company, Geoff Roger, used the monicker in an email to Hunter Biden about then-Vice President Joe Biden’s appearance at a dinner at Whitehall Neck Sportsman Club, a private club in Delaware in 2013.
Rogers wrote to the president’s son, “Hunt see below… I was not there but heard all about it. The big guy made them happy.”

5) Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden used the “big guy” monicker in a 2014 email to Chuck Harple, a trade union lobbyist, with whom Hunter Biden hoped to set a meeting between the head of the North American Building Trades Union and Joe Biden. The email came after not receiving a response after using an official channel.

I’ll work on it — but is there any issue I should know about before I go around everyone and straight to him?” Hunter questioned.
“What works best — for you and I — is for you to call [the union president] first. Say you talked to me and that you want to get all the facts before you talk to the big guy,” Harple replied.


6. nov 2018
- za tvojim hrbtom...
Ko boš ugotovil, sa s(m)o belci na udaru vseh, ti bo mogoče kaj bolj jasno...
Katerakoli barva te la hko premlati, zabode, ustreli..., pa bo samoobramba... Ti daj enemu klofuto, pa boš fasal kazen (prekoračitev silobrana)...
Vem iz prve roke... V New Yorku mi je en "črni" htel z roko v žep. Sicer tam nisem imel nič, ampak, sem ga podrl na tla.Prišla policija. Njega spustili, mene na postajo. Dobil sem kazen 200 USD zaradi "prevelikega nasilja"... Zdaj pa povej, a je to normalno?


22. jul 2007
Ko boš ugotovil, sa s(m)o belci na udaru vseh, ti bo mogoče kaj bolj jasno...
Katerakoli barva te la hko premlati, zabode, ustreli..., pa bo samoobramba... Ti daj enemu klofuto, pa boš fasal kazen (prekoračitev silobrana)...
Vem iz prve roke... V New Yorku mi je en "črni" htel z roko v žep. Sicer tam nisem imel nič, ampak, sem ga podrl na tla.Prišla policija. Njega spustili, mene na postajo. Dobil sem kazen 200 USD zaradi "prevelikega nasilja"... Zdaj pa povej, a je to normalno?
uf.. no reagiral sem tako zato, ker kar tako ustrelit se ne sme, pa je kaj je.

To, da smo na udaru, je jasno.
Imam na amazonu in black lives matter shirt lahko prodaš/kupiš, ko iščeš white lives matter, pa ti vrže ven white lies matter. Iščeš all lives matter in dobiš old lives matter. Svinjarija. Če naložim tak dizajn, pa dobim izbris z zasegom sredstev.
Vseeno pa si malo pretiraval z onim postom.


6. sep 2007
Fuck around and find out #793:

Masked Man Gets Shot While Trying To Carjack Undercover Police Officers With a Gun​

Officer Hayden was approached by an armed individual on foot, wearing a mask who opened the driver's side front door and pointed a gun at the officer. Officer Hayden fired several rounds from his service weapon, causing the subject, 21-year-old Mark Jaggers Jr. to drop the gun and fall backward. After the officer secured the scene to assess for additional threats, he requested other officers in the area to respond. Officers began rendering Aid and attempted to perform life-saving measures on Jaggers. EMS responded to the scene and Jaggers was transported to the University of Louisville Hospital, where he was pronounced deceased. Mark Jaggers Sr., Jaggers' father, said following the shooting that he doesn't believe his son was trying to carjack the officers and that he didn't know anyone was inside the car. "That car was sitting here for three hours. ... My son thought it was a dumped car," Jaggers Sr. said. "I know it's still illegal, I know. But it's not worth getting shot over." Hayden is a 10-year veteran of LMPD. Neither of the officers at the scene were injured. Police later said, Rex Wright Jr., 23, is the person detectives were initially looking for. He turned himself in after the shooting. He was wanted for a non-fatal shooting incident.



22. jul 2007
Qrac. Officer Hayden was approached by an armed individual on foot, wearing a mask who opened the driver's side front door and pointed a gun at the officer.

Enough said.


20. jan 2010


25. avg 2007
Še v smislu teme: ZDA za bonitetno agencijo Fitch niso več "top of the top". Slovenija ima sicer trenutno oceno A s stabilnimi obeti.

Fitch Ratings downgraded the US sovereign credit grade from AAA to AA+, citing ballooning fiscal deficits and governance erosion. Tax cuts, spending initiatives, and economic shocks fueled budget deficits, while unaddressed rising entitlement costs pose medium-term challenges. Leading economists criticized the decision, reminiscent of a move by S&P Global Ratings over a decade ago.