Pol so policaji v Ameriki tudi teroristi.
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Zakaj bi bil dialog mogoč? Če bi vcse štimal dialoga nebi bilo treba.
Whats wrong with puncing nazis in the face?
Pol so policaji v Ameriki tudi teroristi.
Zakaj bi bil dialog mogoč? Če bi vcse štimal dialoga nebi bilo treba.
Portland police have claimed that some of the milkshakes thrown by the antifa activists on Saturday contained quick-dry cement. That may or may not be true. What is true is that an antifa mob beat up a journalist—one who is harshly critical of them, to be sure, but who posed no physical threat to them and was only there to document their activities—on a public street. This is indefensible, and yet there are tons of progressive-leaning people currently defending it, or at the very least rationalizing and making light of it.
Antifa, of course, rejects the notion that violence should only be used in response to a physical threat. The group believes that the very existence of far-right people, groups, and ideas is a kind of provocation that justifies violence—against the far-right, and against their enablers.
Eni ste zgleda res bolani... Pa to velja tako za leve kot desne... Ne zmorete vklopiti ene sive celice, ter nepristransko pogledati in kritizirati "svojih"... Vas (vstavi poljubno osebo) bi lahko po TV dobil od Galunica tica najprej v rit in potem v usta, pa bi sledil aplavz, nasprotno opcijo bi pa z p€dri nadirali...Tepejo ljudi kr tko recmo. Za brezveze. ANTIFA ima saj razlog. Dober včasih
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