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Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007

Guccifer 2.0 DNC’s servers hacked by a lone hacker

Worldwide known cyber security company CrowdStrike announced that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) servers had been hacked by “sophisticated” hacker groups.

I’m very pleased the company appreciated my skills so highly))) But in fact, it was easy, very easy.

Guccifer may have been the first one who penetrated Hillary Clinton’s and other Democrats’ mail servers. But he certainly wasn’t the last. No wonder any other hacker could easily get access to the DNC’s servers.

Shame on CrowdStrike: Do you think I’ve been in the DNC’s networks for almost a year and saved only 2 documents? Do you really believe it?

Here are just a few docs from many thousands I extracted when hacking into DNC’s network.


24. jul 2009
tokrat pa je kar nekaj zahodnih glavnih medijev objavilo novico....

Minnesota black man shot by US police in car

A black man has been shot dead by police in the US state of Minnesota as protests continued over the police killing of a black man in Louisiana.
Polizisten töten Afroamerikaner in Louisiana
Ein weiterer Fall von womöglich überzogener Polizeigewalt gegen Schwarze empört viele US-Amerikaner. Beamte schießen einem offenbar bereits überwältigten Mann mehrfach in die Brust. In Louisiana gehen daraufhin viele Demonstranten auf die Straße.

izgleda, da je to že celo za podpornike policijsko fašistične ZDA malo preveč


22. jul 2007
Vedno cel halo, ko fentajo zamorca...

Pod člankom ti piše:

US police violence
people killed by police in 2015
30% of victims were black

Ni pa podatka kolk kriminala naredijo.

Seveda se je pa treba prvo posnet in objavit na FB:



27. avg 2008
Uporabnik ceedevita pravi:
halo je zato, ker fentajo človeka, ki ni nevaren ponavadi pa je še neborožen

Ta je bil oborožen. Ampak je imel dovoljenje za nošenje orožja, to je policaju tudi povedal, stegnil pa se je po vozniško in prometno... Policaj pa ga je poknil.

Pa par dni nazaj sta dva policaja v New Orleansu enega ubila, ki je piratske CDje prodajal. Ker je imel 195cm in 130kg ni padel po tleh ko sta ga s Tazerjem in potem praktično iz ljubega miru 6 metkov v prsi, ko sta ga že imela na tleh.

V ZDA letos čez 600 mrtvih s strani policije. Med njimi tudi 6 let in 12 let stara dečka...


24. jul 2009

‘Trigger-happy’ or well trained? Fresno police release video of Dylan Noble shooting

Police in Fresno, Calif., on Wednesday released body-camera footage showing officers fatally shooting an unarmed 19-year-old, Dylan Noble.

The footage from June 25 shows officers pulling over Noble at a gas station in the central California city after police received a report of a man carrying a rifle.

Noble was unarmed, but as he exited from his pickup truck, he repeatedly ignored officers’ commands.


10. maj 2014

Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy

By Editorial Board July 22 at 3:59 PM

DONALD J. TRUMP, until now a Republican problem, this week became a challenge the nation must confront and overcome. The real estate tycoon is uniquely unqualified to serve as president, in experience and temperament. He is mounting a campaign of snarl and sneer, not substance. To the extent he has views, they are wrong in their diagnosis of America’s problems and dangerous in their proposed solutions.


In contrast, there is nothing on Mr. Trump’s résumé to suggest he could function successfully in Washington. He was staked in the family business by a well-to-do father and has pursued a career marked by some real estate successes, some failures and repeated episodes of saving his own hide while harming people who trusted him. Given his continuing refusal to release his tax returns, breaking with a long bipartisan tradition, it is only reasonable to assume there are aspects of his record even more discreditable than what we know.

The lack of experience might be overcome if Mr. Trump saw it as a handicap worth overcoming. But he displays no curiosity, reads no books and appears to believe he needs no advice. In fact, what makes Mr. Trump so unusual is his combination of extreme neediness and unbridled arrogance. He is desperate for affirmation but contemptuous of other views. He also is contemptuous of fact.


Worse than the flip-flops is the absence of any substance in his agenda. Existing trade deals are “stupid,” but Mr. Trump does not say how they could be improved. The Islamic State must be destroyed, but the candidate offers no strategy for doing so. Eleven million undocumented immigrants must be deported, but Mr. Trump does not tell us how he would accomplish this legally or practically.


In a dangerous world, Mr. Trump speaks blithely of abandoning NATO, encouraging more nations to obtain nuclear weapons and cozying up to dictators who in fact wish the United States nothing but harm. For eight years, Republicans have criticized President Obama for “apologizing” for America and for weakening alliances. Now they put forward a candidate who mimics the vilest propaganda of authoritarian adversaries about how terrible the United States is and how unfit it is to lecture others. He has made clear that he would drop allies without a second thought. The consequences to global security could be disastrous.

Most alarming is Mr. Trump’s contempt for the Constitution and the unwritten democratic norms upon which our system depends. He doesn’t know what is in the nation’s founding document. When asked by a member of Congress about Article I, which enumerates congressional powers, the candidate responded, “I am going to abide by the Constitution whether it’s number 1, number 2, number 12, number 9.” The charter has seven articles.

Worse, he doesn’t seem to care about its limitations on executive power. He has threatened that those who criticize him will suffer when he is president. He has vowed to torture suspected terrorists and bomb their innocent relatives, no matter the illegality of either act. He has vowed to constrict the independent press.


Mr. Trump campaigns by insult and denigration, insinuation and wild accusation: Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy; Hillary Clinton may be guilty of murder; Mr. Obama is a traitor who wants Muslims to attack. The Republican Party has moved the lunatic fringe onto center stage, with discourse that renders impossible the kind of substantive debate upon which any civil democracy depends.


The party’s failure of judgment leaves the nation’s future where it belongs, in the hands of voters. Many Americans do not like either candidate this year . We have criticized the presumptive Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, in the past and will do so again when warranted. But we do not believe that she (or the Libertarian and Green party candidates, for that matter) represents a threat to the Constitution. Mr. Trump is a unique and present danger.


13. dec 2015
Lej zastop tam policaje, al pa naše poglej k grejo v semič racijo delat..

Rezultat sploh ne grejo. Pri teh zamorcih nikol ne veš, kdaj bo začel streljat, že žnj filmčkov je ko pri kontroli zamorc začne iz nenada streljat..

Vsekor je dejstvo za je 70% odstotek kriminalnih dejanj (umorov) iz strani zamorcev na civile. Tko da... Vsekakor bo to prišlo tudi k nam z migracijo zažgancev.

Orožja pa je v YU ogromno..