Ja in? Bolton je bil na pogovoru s Putinom malo pred enostranskim preklicem INF-a s strani ZDA. Kaj naj bi ta fotka po tvoje predstavljala?
But it was not one damn thing, but one damned thing after another, which has caused the final forking of the "bureaucratic tape-worm" John Bolton, who has slithered through every right-wing administration in living memory.
Bolton caused the implosion of the Hanoi summit between Trump and Kim Jong-un, which put US-Korean relations in the toilet just when they seemed headed for the bridal suite. His mad-cap carry-on in Venezuela was another typical Bolton Blunder. Working with his henchman – the doctors of death in Central America in the 1980s were Bolton and Elliott Abrams – he led the president into the recognition of a man in the street in Caracas, Juan Guido, who claimed he was the rightful president of the oil-rich country and was capable of a coup to prove it.
Mesec dni staro : http://alturl.com/jkvph Trump Is SECRETLY SCHEMING: He’s “Unofficially Abolishing The Fed!”
...Ameriško vrhovno sodišče se strinja s Trumpom....
Opa, Money Talks, Bullshit Walks !..."We will also work to accelerate the delivery of military equipment to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the UAE to enhance their ability to defend themselves."...
United States sending troops to bolster Saudi defenses after attack
SAUDI-ARAMCO/USA-PENTAGON (UPDATE 1):UPDATE 1-United States sending troops to bolster Saudi defenses after attacknews.trust.org
V Chicagu že iz časov Al Caponeja vlada sprega med politiko in kriminalom, Oglej si nekaj epizod serije Chicago P.D., pa ti bo vse jasno.