Kaj imajo? Če drugega ne stavbe.
Ampak v Kongu so naredili mesta, elektriko, železnico, ceste, ladijski promet po reki Kongo. Aja saj res, nasledniki grdih belcev so to uničili, pa še danes se tam dogajajo genocidi pa rumenkotu dol visi za to.
White Jesus Statues Should Be Torn Down
Writer and activist Shaun King announced Monday that he supports the destruction of statues that depict a white Jesus.
King, who has been an outspoken supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, tweeted his remarks on Monday. He noted that historians believe Jesus likely had the appearance of people who typically lived in the Middle East during his time, rather than the white man who is often depicted in Christian iconography.
"Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down," King tweeted. "They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been."
Shaun King: Statues of Jesus Christ are 'form of white supremacy,' should be torn down
Shaun King: Statues of Jesus Christ are 'form of white supremacy,' should be torn down
Far-left activist Shaun King on Monday said all images depicting Jesus as a “white European” should be torn down because they are a form of “white supremacy.”www.foxnews.com
Shaun King - the outspoken activist speaking up for black people in America
SHAUN King is an American writer and activist. He was once ranked in the top 25 Most Influential People in the World on the Internet in 2018 by TIME. Who is Shaun King? Shaun King, 44, was born in …www.the-sun.com
Pridem v tvojo grapo, vzamem zemljo, potamanim otroke, posilim ženo in ti napeljem toplo vodo. Spotoma te pa še v zulu vero spreobrnem. 13 mio mrtvih za elektriko in krščanstvo. Kvantni skok nazaj ne pa napredek.
Bo treba ppgledat "the man from earth" film, tam vse povejohehe, sej res ni cist razcisceno kaksne rase naj bi bil jezus, vkolikor je sploh kdaj bil.
Milka je mlečna, ne črna.Nc, grem v spar po milka cokolado dokler je ne ukinejo zaradi rasizma ker je crna.
Marsikje je Marija črna!Poljaki so napredni, že stoletja imajo črno Marijo...
Če komu beli Jezus ni všeč, naj pač naslika črnega. Ali rumenega. Res pa je lažje vrteti gobce...
Prepozno. So predvideli to!Nc, grem v spar po milka cokolado dokler je ne ukinejo zaradi rasizma ker je crna. ..