Uporabnik Apollo8 pravi:
Razen tega da ob odkupu zeleza ne vprasajo po izvoru surovine
More than 10 million Roma live in Europe. Tens of thousands of them are fleeing westwards from poverty and discrimination in the countries of southeastern Europe. But EU member states are failing to help them
Amnesty International is condemning the European Union for what it says is the EU's failure to curb violence, discrimination, and intimidation of Roma.
On the International Roma Day Tuesday, Amnesty said some Roma communities in Europe live under the constant threat of violence and pogrom-like attacks.
The group said Europe's response has been "woefully inadequate." It said that in some cases, European states fuel the problem when police fail to prevent or investigate attacks.
Hate crimes and violence against the EU’s largest minority are on the rise, according to an Amnesty International report out on Tuesday (8 April).
"There has been a marked rise in the frequency of anti-Roma violence in Europe in the last few years, in both the East and in the West," says the London-based pro-rights group.
Amnesty says police are failing to prevent anti-Roma attacks, often harass the minority by raiding their settlements, and by carrying out arbitrary detentions.
zadnjič so po radiu rekli da so se civilizirali - železa niso več kradli ampak fiktivno kupovali in prodajali in zahtevali povrnjen ddv...Citat:
Uporabnik Apollo8 pravi:
Razen tega da ob odkupu zeleza ne vprasajo po izvoru surovine
In zakaj točno bi podjetnik opravljal delo državnih organov, ki jih krepko preplača preko davkov? Ali imamo v zakonodaji poleg sledljivosti govejega mesa še sledljivost starega železa in bakra?Citat:
Uporabnik Apollo8 pravi:To je del kriminala. Kupis ukradeno in se ti malo zasluzis na ta racun
He, heCitat:
Je pa včeraj po televiziji slučajno ujel eno sceno streljanja, ko je Mel Gibson počil tistega ostrostrelca (smo bili dol, pa niso pazili, kaj mulo gleda), in zdaj je čisto obsenden s policaji in pištolami! Majkomila, kako hitro fante to zapali! user posted image Pa smo imeli dolg pogovor o tem, pa kako so pištole slaba stvar, pa da lahko samo policaji nosijo, pa je kljub temu začel sanjat, da bo on policaj ko bo velik, pa da bo streljal cigane!!! user posted image Od kje mu to, nimam pojma. Res ga dol strašijo da ga bo cigan odnesel, če ne bo priden, sam izpade pa, kot da smo ena totalno nestrpna familija. Jaz upam, da ne bo v vrtcu to preveč razlagal ...
Romania could enjoy a more productive economy and gain hundreds of millions of euros a year in tax receipts if it integrated its young and impoverished Roma minority, a World Bank study showed on Monday.
Human rights groups have criticized Romania - home to up to 2.5 million Roma, or roughly a sixth of the population - for not doing enough to improve their living standards or job prospects.