Uporabnik Cash pravi:
Hrana v mikrovalovki postane topla zato, ker mikrovalovi povzrocijo hitrejse gibanje molekul vode, kar pomeni, da se molekule trkajo med sabo izraziteje in bolj pogosto in posledicno se zaradi tega ustvari toplota.
Ni mi pa jasno samo to, zakaj je recimo na eni strani kroznika hrana se mrzla, na drugi pa vroca, ceprav se kroznik vrti??
Uporabnik Cash pravi:
Hrana v mikrovalovki postane topla zato, ker mikrovalovi povzrocijo hitrejse gibanje molekul vode, kar pomeni, da se molekule trkajo med sabo izraziteje in bolj pogosto in posledicno se zaradi tega ustvari toplota. Ni mi pa jasno samo to, zakaj je recimo na eni strani kroznika hrana se mrzla, na drugi pa vroca, ceprav se kroznik vrti??
Uporabnik visek_izobrazbe pravi:
porazdelitev in količina vode v hrani
Consumer ovens usually use 2.45 gigahertz (GHz) [...] Sometimes, microwave heating is explained as a resonance of water molecules, but this is incorrect; such resonances occur only at above 1 terahertz (THz).
Water, fat, and other substances in the food absorb energy from the microwaves in a process called dielectric heating. Many molecules (such as those of water) are electric dipoles, meaning that they have a partial positive charge at one end and a partial negative charge at the other, and therefore rotate as they try to align themselves with the alternating electric field of the microwaves. Rotating molecules hit other molecules and put them into motion, thus dispersing energy.
Uporabnik philips pravi:
Uporabnik visek_izobrazbe pravi:
porazdelitev in količina vode v hrani
Voda v bistvu ni pomembna. To je zelo pogosta zmota.
Consumer ovens usually use 2.45 gigahertz (GHz) [...] Sometimes, microwave heating is explained as a resonance of water molecules, but this is incorrect; such resonances occur only at above 1 terahertz (THz).
Mikrovalovna deluje na marsikaj, tudi na anorganske snovi (keramika ipd.). Imam doma eno keramično posodo, ki se veliko bolj segreje kot njena vsebina (recimo mleko).
Water, fat, and other substances in the food absorb energy from the microwaves in a process called dielectric heating. Many molecules (such as those of water) are electric dipoles, meaning that they have a partial positive charge at one end and a partial negative charge at the other, and therefore rotate as they try to align themselves with the alternating electric field of the microwaves. Rotating molecules hit other molecules and put them into motion, thus dispersing energy.
em... a ni tako da se magnetno polje inducira zgolj na izmenični napetosti?Citat:
Uporabnik Floki pravi:
Sevanje teh daljnovodov je precej višje od naših razlika je le v tem da je to enosmerno polje, ki pa na človeka po sedaj znanih podatkih nima vpliva. Seveda imajo ti daljnovodi še mnogo drugih prednosti edini razlog zakaj jih nimamo pa tiči v €.