Vojna v Ukrajini 2


25. sep 2007
O, dobro jutro tudi tebi, dragi rusonaci.

Jaz sem za to, da ukrajinci in rusi zivijo v miru in se lahko ukvarjajo z bilo čim, ne pa s tezavami ene osebe ki ima prekratkega na polno.
  • Všeč mi je
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24. jul 2007
Putinov govor...

The Russian president also warns of "inevitable punishment" for those dividing the Russian society.

And he says that a counter-terrorism regime is now in place in the capital Moscow and several other regions.

Putin says he's dealing with the crisis​

Putin also stresses that all "necessary orders have been given" to deal with the crisis, pledging to defend Russia.
And that's the end of his short TV address - he did not mention Prigozhin once.
He did mention Wagner mercenaries, but only to praise them for fighting for Russia.


25. sep 2007
Za razliko od tebe ne navijamo za nobenega od njiju, ampak žilo samo da se Rusija spoka iz Ukrajine,
poplača škodo ki jo je naredila, potem naj se pa tam v Kremlju sami med sabo žgejo koker se hočejo
in izmišljene zgodbe furajo med sabo in vsi Vatniki naj gredo (oejte) tja jim lizat riti...

Vsaka obja več tukaj gor, samo kaže kako je režim v Rusiji zlagan in vse z njim...
Prirejeni referendumu za odcepitve od Ukrajine
Prirejene zgodbe o vojno v Donbasu ( ti je Progožin povedal kaj je bilo)

Ampak sprani Vatnik možgani tega ne bodo mogli sprejeti in bodo to raje potlačili,
ter furali agendo gldega gldega zahoda...

Za razliko od tebe ne navijamo za nobenega od njiju, ampak žilo samo da se Rusija spoka iz Ukrajine,
poplača škodo ki jo je naredila, potem naj se pa tam v Kremlju sami med sabo žgejo koker se hočejo
in izmišljene zgodbe furajo med sabo in vsi Vatniki naj gredo (oejte) tja jim lizat riti...

Vsaka obja več tukaj gor, samo kaže kako je režim v Rusiji zlagan in vse z njim...
Prirejeni referendumu za odcepitve od Ukrajine
Prirejene zgodbe o vojno v Donbasu ( ti je Progožin povedal kaj je bilo)

Ampak sprani Vatnik možgani tega ne bodo mogli sprejeti in bodo to raje potlačili,
ter furali agendo gldega gldega zahoda...
Današnje dogajanje je posledica tega, da se je NATO preveč približal ruskim mejam :)


30. jul 2022
Pa koliko vojakov še ima tale Wagner/Progožin? Če jih ima še 10-20k, potem zna dobro štalo narediti v Rusiji.


20. jul 2007

Full text of the presidential address to the Russians​


Read ria.ru in
“I appeal to the citizens of Russia, to the personnel of the Armed Forces, law enforcement agencies and special services, to the soldiers and commanders who are now fighting in their combat positions, repulsing enemy attacks, doing it heroically - I know, I spoke to the commanders of all directions again last night I also appeal to those who, by deceit or threats, were dragged into a criminal adventure, pushed onto the path of a serious crime - an armed rebellion.
Today Russia is waging a hard struggle for its future, repelling the aggression of neo-Nazis and their masters. Virtually the entire military, economic and information machine of the West is directed against us. We are fighting for the life and safety of our people, for our sovereignty and independence. For the right to be and remain Russia - a state with a thousand-year history.
This battle, when the fate of our people is being decided, requires the unification of all forces, unity, consolidation and responsibility. When everything that weakens us must be thrown aside, any strife that our external enemies can and use to undermine us from within.

And therefore, the actions that split our unity are, in fact, apostasy from our people, from our comrades-in-arms, who are now fighting at the front. This is a stab in the back of our country and our people.
It was such a blow that was dealt to Russia in 1917, when the country was waging the First World War. But the victory was stolen from her. Intrigues, squabbles, politicking behind the backs of the army and the people turned into the greatest shock, the destruction of the army and the collapse of the state, the loss of vast territories. As a result, the tragedy of the civil war.
Russians killed Russians, brothers - brothers, and all sorts of political adventurers and foreign forces, who divided the country, tore it apart, took selfish gain.
We won't let this happen again. We will protect both our people and our statehood from any threats. Including - from internal betrayal.
And what we are faced with is precisely a betrayal. Exorbitant ambitions and personal interests led to treason. To betray our country, our people, and the cause for which, side by side with our other units and subunits, the fighters and commanders of the Wagner group fought and died. The heroes who liberated Soledar and Artyomovsk, the cities and towns of Donbass, fought and gave their lives for Novorossia, for the unity of the Russian world. Their name and glory were also betrayed by those who are trying to organize a rebellion, pushing the country towards anarchy and fratricide. To defeat, in the end, and surrender.
I repeat, any internal turmoil is a deadly threat to our statehood, to us as a nation. This is a blow to Russia, to our people. And our actions to protect the Fatherland from such a threat will be tough. All those who deliberately embarked on the path of betrayal, who prepared an armed rebellion, embarked on the path of blackmail and terrorist methods, will suffer inevitable punishment, will answer both before the law and before our people.
The Armed Forces and other government agencies have received the necessary orders, and additional antiterrorist measures are now being introduced in Moscow, the Moscow Region and a number of other regions. Decisive actions will also be taken to stabilize the situation in Rostov-on-Don. It remains difficult; in fact, the work of civil and military authorities is blocked.
As the President of Russia and Supreme Commander-in-Chief, as a citizen of Russia, I will do everything to defend the country, to protect the constitutional order, the lives, security and freedom of citizens.
The one who organized and prepared the military rebellion, who raised arms against his comrades-in-arms, betrayed Russia. And they will answer for it. And I urge those who are being dragged into this crime not to make a fatal and tragic, unique mistake, to make the only right choice - to stop participating in criminal acts.
I believe that we will preserve and defend what is dear and sacred to us, and together with our Motherland we will overcome any trials, we will become even stronger."


30. jul 2022
Wagner Group billboards are being taken down across Moscow. :aplauz:

Pa še:

Russian Telegram channels report that Wagner PMCs have entered Voronezh and are on the outskirts of Krasnodar and Volgograd. No one is resisting the militants.



20. jul 2007
Če ne drugega so bili podatki resnični.
Pusti wagnerju da zavzame bakhmut.
Potem se bo umaknil in začel udar v Rusiji.