Pentagon spet "kuha" knjige (kronološko, najnovejši prvo) , čakamo da bo spet kakšen "Boeing" zadel finančno krilo
bojda ena najbolj varovanih stavb in edini posnetek, kjer se jasno vidi, da je šlo za B737 Max

, pozorni opazovalec lahko celo vidi A*meda s k*ranom v roki v kokpitu.
Čeprav bi bilo bolje, da tokrat pošljejo Airbusa, Boeingi imajo zadnje čase navado padati na napačnih mesti.
November 14 2024, Politico
MONEY TALKS: The Biden administration has more money to help Ukraine than originally thought. All reports previously indicated that there was $4.3 billion left in the Presidential Drawdown Authority account, which reimburses the U.S. armed forces for munitions and equipment sent to Ukraine.
Turns out, the number is actually $7.1 billion, thanks to some revised accounting the Pentagon has done, DOD officials tell your anchor. That extra $2.8 billion isn’t just found money. The way things work is that the Pentagon calculates how much buying replacement goods for what it sends Ukraine will cost. The number crunchers at the Pentagon ran through the lists and discovered that replacement for some items cost less than anticipated.
The plan is for the administration to spend down that whole $7.1 billion by Trump’s inauguration on Jan. 20, which is a pretty tall order given the cadence of aid packages being announced roughly every two weeks work between $200 million and $500 million. Those numbers are going to have to go way up, but even then deliveries of that equipment would continue well into the Trump administration, which could turn off the spigot at any time.
Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid - July 25 2024, Reuters
Pentagon accounting error provides extra $6.2 billion for Ukraine military aid - June 20 2023, AP
The Pentagon says it overestimated the value of the weapons it has sent to Ukraine by $6.2 billion over the past two years, resulting in a surplus that will be used for future security packages.
Exclusive: Pentagon accounting error overvalued Ukraine weapons aid by $3 billion - May 19 2023, Reuters
Medtem med navadnimi smrtniki v Zda
Voters: I'm angry that we can't buy food, have no health insurance, our communities are crumbling, our neighbors are dying of overdose, we can't afford prescriptions, and we have no jobs that pay a living wage.
The Biden administration:
Secretary of State Antony Blinken announces "every dollar we have at our disposal will be pushed [to Ukraine] between now and January 20th" when Trump takes office.