Vivid money - nova nemška banka


16. apr 2017
na vivid ponujajo do 1% cashback na vse nakupe in do 10% na določene nakupe (booking, aliexpress, rentalcars). res pa je, da so ti bombončki vsako leto manjši.
zdi se mi, da je služba za pomoč uporabnikom na vivid malo bolj odzivna, kot na revolut ali n26. pogrešam pa spletno banko pri vivid.
Pozabil si povedat, koliko prijateljev moras prepricat, da odpre racun pri tej banki, daas te ugodnosti in koliko casa veljajo.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: BuDi


1. sep 2007
nobenega prijatelja ne rabiš povabit, cashback je na voljo ves čas, višina pa je odvisna od paketa. superdeals ponudb od povabil prijateljev mislim da ni več.


21. sep 2007
Tudi google pay deluje, za razliko od n26.
In moram reci, da deluje precej bolje od npr. Denarnika Delavske Hranilnice. Se mi je ze parkrat zgodilo, da sem sel v trgovino zgolj s telefonom in zelel placat preko Denarnika. Ni slo, in me je Vivid resil, ker sta to edini NFC placilni sredstvi na mojem telefonu.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: nUUb


20. dec 2011
Prihajajo podražitve:

standardni račun:
Monthly account management fee: EUR 3.90 for up to 3 Payment Transaction Accounts

The monthly account management fee of EUR 3.90 for the Standard version of Vivid Money will not be charged if
(a) there is at least one active physical and/or virtual Vivid Money card linked to a Payment Transaction Account and the customer
makes at least one card transaction with such Vivid Money card in the respective calendar month; cash withdrawals via ATM and/or
ViaCash do not count as card transaction or
(b) the customer has a cumulative positive balance exceeding EUR 1,000 on all Payment Transaction Accounts provided by
Solarisbank in relation with Vivid Money or the equivalent of EUR 1,000 in the respective Foreign Currency Accounts, on the last
day of the respective calendar month.


18. avg 2007
Kaj je to ViaCash?

Če sem prav razumel. Če vsaj eno plačilo izvedem s kartico, ne zaračunajo provizije? A je lahko preko gpay-a?


18. avg 2007
Če mi potrdiš torej:

Mesečna provizija je, 3,90 EUR. Provizija se ne računa, če vsaj eno plačilo izvedeš s kartico (npr. v trgovini). Ne šteje dvig na bankomatu in še ne velja ViaCash (ne vem, kaj to pomeni). Ne vemo, če velja tudi plačilo preko Gpaya.

Lahko pa imaš tudi 1.000 EUR gor. Ni pa nujno.

Tole bi bilo vzdržno.


20. dec 2011
V PDF-ju so vse podražitve:

Te so mogoče še zanimive:
- dvig na bankomatu
First 200 EUR per month can
be withdrawn for free at an
ATM but only if the amount of
withdrawal is no less than 50
EUR. In case the withdrawal
amount is less than 50 EUR a
fee of 3% of the withdrawal
amount (but not less than 1
EUR) is applied. Once
200 EUR per month have been
withdrawn, the same fee will be
charged for any amount above
Free of charge limit is
accumulated limit for
withdrawals via ATM and via

- menjalni tečaj za ne-evrske transakcije:
The exchange rate for executing non-EUR card transactions and
purchasing non-EUR currency consists of
- the base exchange rate and
- a mark-up applied.
The base exchange rate is based on exchange rates provided by
Morningstar Real-Time Data Limited, London, which are where
available based on ECB exchange rates. For card transactions
the base rate is based on the VISA exchange rate. In all cases the
base exchange rate is calculated in real-time. It always reflects
the rates applicable at the time of the transaction.
The mark-up applied is 1.0 %. For purchases of a currency it can
be decreased up to 0.5 % in cases where the purchase happens
outside of the relevant foreign exchange market’s working hours.
When purchasing non-EUR currency, the client can see the exact
exchange rate before executing a purchase. For card
transactions the exchange rate will be visible on the account
statement. The exchange rate can also be accessed under


  • List of Prices and Services.pdf
    260,2 KB · Ogledi: 140


21. sep 2007
Zmešnjava čista pri zaračunavanju mesečne pristojbine na zastonjskem računu.

C/p iz FAQ:
  • Account Management Fee for inactive Standard customers
    A €3.90 monthly account management fee will apply to Standard customers, who do not satisfy either of the following conditions:

    - Have at least 1 active physical and/or virtual card and make at least 1 card payment during the respective month (cash withdrawals via ATM or ViaCash do not count as card transactions),

    - The (cumulative) balance on all money pockets is at least €1000 across your various Money Pockets, including accounts in foreign currency, on the last day of the month (Shared pockets for which you’re the owner will be also counted, Investment and Crypto Pockets will not),
Iz tega sledi, da moraš imet na računu stanje vsaj €1000 IN opravit vsaj eno transakcijo v mesecu

Ampak c/p iz Fee Information dokumenta, kot smo ga uporabniki dobili na email, pravi drugače:
2 The fee of EUR 3.90 for maintaining the account will not be charged if
(a) there is at least one active physical and/or virtual Vivid Money card linked to a Payment Transaction Account and the customer
makes at least one card transaction with such Vivid Money card in the respective calendar month; cash withdrawals via ATM and/or
ViaCash do not count as card transaction or
(b) the customer has a cumulative positive balance exceeding EUR 1,000 on all Payment Transaction Accounts provided by
Solarisbank in relation with Vivid Money or the equivalent of EUR 1,000 in the respective Foreign Currency Accounts, on the last
day of the respective calendar month.
To pomeni, da moraš zadostiti vsaj enemu pogoju: ali stanje €1000 ALI vsaj ena transakcija


18. avg 2007
Zmešnjava čista pri zaračunavanju mesečne pristojbine na zastonjskem računu.

C/p iz FAQ:

Iz tega sledi, da moraš imet na računu stanje vsaj €1000 IN opravit vsaj eno transakcijo v mesecu

Ampak c/p iz Fee Information dokumenta, kot smo ga uporabniki dobili na email, pravi drugače:

To pomeni, da moraš zadostiti vsaj enemu pogoju: ali stanje €1000 ALI vsaj ena transakcija
Katera verzija bo obveljala?