Preizkusi tole nisem vprašal. To že imam. Rad bi uredil podnapise v mkv file, odstranil nepotrebne in dodal slo.
MKV je kontejner (podobno kot ZIP). Ne moreš kar tako brisati ven, moraš celoten file na novo generirati z ustreznim programom. Re-encoding audio/video načeloma ni potreben.Tega nisem vprašal. To že imam. Rad bi uredil podnapise v mkv file, odstranil nepotrebne in dodal slo.
Glede na to, da sprašuješ kako se to naredi, je bilo pričakovano da ti bo študiranje toolov vzelo ogromno časaVse to vem, sem že delal pred leti. Le programa za to nimam več kot je šel disk v maloro. na file pa je to 3 min dela. Pač mi je to všeč tako.![]()
This container and the software coming with it take care of a lot of important functions, like the correct timing of the audio and video playback when the file is played ( opened ). ZIP or RAR could be a perfect container to pack one or more audio/video streams together into one single file for distribution, but WinZIP certainly wouldnt care about the correct timing of the these streams on playback.
Ni M in n. Si mi pa dal namig in sem iskal dokler mi ni uspelo.M in n verjetno?