Ko je Thatcherjeva postala premierka, je bila VB na kolenih - inflacija, protesti, industrija na robu propada. Ko je odšla, situacija ni bila dosti boljša.Citat:
Uporabnik Snecer pravi:
Imperij je imel sistem = Če nimamo doma, bomo ukradli, po možnosti tudi pobili.
When she resigned in 1990, 28% of the children in Great Britain were considered to be below the poverty line, a number that kept rising to reach a peak of 30% in 1994 during the Conservative government of John Major, who succeeded Thatcher.[40]
While credited with reviving Britain's economy, Mrs. Thatcher also was blamed for spurring a doubling in the poverty rate. Britain's childhood-poverty rate in 1997 was the highest in Europe.[40]
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