Uporabnik Hanzi pravi:
nic nenavadnega. Najbrz so parkirni senzorji narejeni tako,da ob 5 metrov dolgem avtu vse piska ce se senzor pribliza na manj kot 2m. In potem mu ne preostane drugega kot da pol avta pusti na cesti. Najbrz mu tudi v glavi piska ko se mu kaksna prevec pribliza in bezi od nje.Citat:
Uporabnik Car pravi:
In kaj je tu čudnega? BMW je ravno speljal, dal je celo žmigavc, kar je za ta tip vozila nenavadno. Aja, mogoče je pa to čudno....
Parkingi v mercatorju v domzalah so po sirini narejeni za ficke in bolhe. Rad bi videl tri take petice parkirane v tri vzporedne bokse med stebri. Pa projektante in jankovica v petice,pa da jih vidimo kako bodo zapuscali avto.
Uporabnik Simon_Vi pravi:
Si pogledal zadaj če piše dci?
Mogoče je "samo" crknil....![]()
"Are you f*cking stupid" "No, I've broken down" There's a 101 reasons there could be 101 obstacles in the road, just around the next corner. A fallen tree or group of children crossing the road... The question is, can you stop within the distance you can see to be clear? You want the next corner to be free of obstruction or a guy waving a yellow flag to warn you it isn't? Get on the race track.
He should at least have pushed the car into the driveway fifty feet ahead of him.
+Sir Yes of course, if that were the case, that would be the correct thing to do. Unless the brakes had seized on. Maybe he's an old guy who couldn't push a bicycle 50 feet! Maybe it had only just happened and the driver was about to open the door when a guy on a bike comes screaming past him... The point is there are 101 things waiting for you around the next corner. It may be a broken down car (or a d*ckhead stopped somewhere really stupid). The fact he shouldn't be there doesn't change the fact that he was there. Expect the unexpected and you wont be surprised.
Uporabnik patriot pravi:
Uporabnik Jordan pravi:
Mislim da je ta tema v celoti dokaz da avtomobil ne igra vloge, večkrat bi rekel da so vozniki malih vozil nižje ranga pripravljeni parkirati zanalašč na takšnih in drugačnih mestih, vozniki prestižnih (seveda NE vsi) pa se dostikrat bojijo samega sebe in pločevine, sploh če je le za tega garal....izjeme so privatniki, ki ga dajo med stroške takšnim je pa vseeno za avto kot za lanski sneg![]()