Na Ebayu sem kupil steklo za telefon, ki je prišlo razbito. Pišem trgovcu, ta pa mi kljub slikam ne verjame in noče vrniti denarja. Ok, odprem dispute, zdaj pa se tam dela lepega naj pošljem artikel nazaj, če sem naročil napačnega. Zadevo sem eskaliral Paypalu, ki pa mi je dal prst v rit..če hočem refund morem poslat steklo na svoje stroške. Wtf?
The returned merchandise must be in the same condition as when you received it. You're also responsible for any shipping costs.
Use a shipping carrier that provides online tracking. After you've shipped the item(s), log in to your PayPal account and provide the online tracking information in the Resolution Center. If we don't receive tracking information on or before 10 October 2019 you won't receive a refund . We also suggest that you keep a copy of the shipping label. In some cases, we ask for this to verify the item was shipped to the right address.