Ravnokar sem tudi jaz naročil dc24.
Prej pa sem se pozanimal, ali ga lahko naročim.
Amazon.co.uk can dispatch Baby, Beauty, Clothing, DIY & Tools, Electronics, Health (excluding medicine), Home & Garden, Jewellery, Kitchen, Office Products, Shoes, Sports, Watches, PC & Video Games, Software and Toys & Games items and accessories can be dispatched to Slovenia.
You will receive a warning once you have selected an item and entered your delivery address if it is not possible to deliver an item to that delivery address.
Ker sesalec spada v Home and kitchen, se ga da naročiti.
Komaj čakam na pošiljko
Prej pa sem se pozanimal, ali ga lahko naročim.
Amazon.co.uk can dispatch Baby, Beauty, Clothing, DIY & Tools, Electronics, Health (excluding medicine), Home & Garden, Jewellery, Kitchen, Office Products, Shoes, Sports, Watches, PC & Video Games, Software and Toys & Games items and accessories can be dispatched to Slovenia.
You will receive a warning once you have selected an item and entered your delivery address if it is not possible to deliver an item to that delivery address.
Ker sesalec spada v Home and kitchen, se ga da naročiti.
Komaj čakam na pošiljko