Marca bo predstavljen naslednik Samsung Omnie HD.
Trenutno kar se ve o aparatu:
Dimensions: 115x57x12 mm
Weight: 140 g
Screen : 3.8-inch 854x480 AMOLED, with increased luminance for direct sun light readability, Anti grease coat
Processor: ARM Cortex A5 Hummingbird @1GHz, 45 nm
Memory: 128MB C: drive, 32GB E: drive
Camera: 12 MP 28mm wide lens, 720p @30 FPS video recording with stereo sound, Xenon + LED flash
OS : Symbian^2
Battery: 1700mAh
Video port: HDMI
FM Transmitter
To naj bi imelo, kaj bo od tega res, bomo videli marca...če bo imel ta telefon res HDMI port je to super!
bomo videli marca kaj bo
Trenutno kar se ve o aparatu:
Dimensions: 115x57x12 mm
Weight: 140 g
Screen : 3.8-inch 854x480 AMOLED, with increased luminance for direct sun light readability, Anti grease coat
Processor: ARM Cortex A5 Hummingbird @1GHz, 45 nm
Memory: 128MB C: drive, 32GB E: drive
Camera: 12 MP 28mm wide lens, 720p @30 FPS video recording with stereo sound, Xenon + LED flash
OS : Symbian^2
Battery: 1700mAh
Video port: HDMI
FM Transmitter
To naj bi imelo, kaj bo od tega res, bomo videli marca...če bo imel ta telefon res HDMI port je to super!
bomo videli marca kaj bo