Rusi v Siriji


10. maj 2014

What the politicians ultimately will decide, even they may not know. But among veterans of the terror wars in France and the United States, there is a growing focus on the capital of the putative caliphate, Raqqa, in eastern Syria.

Thus a CIA veteran with long experience hunting Osama bin Laden and trying to outmaneuver ISIS, speaking privately, tells The Daily Beast, “Everybody is going to respond to this thing with solidarity, tying little ribbons on trees and that sort of bullshit,” when what’s needed, in his position is, “to drive a stake in their heart.”

How would you do that?

“Put together a force of 6,000 or 7,000 airborne soldiers and just take Raqqa. Don’t issue warnings. Don’t assemble tank columns. Train the force, then use it,” said this gentleman, a veteran of the clandestine services, but not of the military. “They have made Raqqa the capital of their state. Take it and you have changed the ground immediately. You can’t fight ISIS with baby steps, and what happened in Paris gives you the immediate rationale to do something strategic. Otherwise? They are winning.”


Alain Bauer, a leading French criminologist and advisor to officials in Paris, New York and elsewhere about counter-terror strategies, is among those who believes that ISIS is lashing out precisely because it is under pressure on the ground. But a war of attrition fought like the Battle of Paris this week has to be addressed at the source.

“If we really want to do something, we need to erase Raqqa,” Bauer told The Daily Beast.

What keeps this from happening? In Bauer’s opinion, the United States. “Every bombing is a nightmare to negotiate,” he said. “Here’s a target. ‘Oops, there’s a garden there. Oops, there’s a family there. Oops, you cannot destroy this, you cannot destroy that.”

But ISIS is embedded among the civilian population.

Bauer thinks there’s an important distinction. “They are representing the civilian population,” he says, at least those who have remained and sometimes profited from the group’s presence. “They are not enslaving them. And a war is a war.”

But we have seen the deleterious effects of occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan. Would an occupation of Raqqa be different? Isn’t that what ISIS wants, to lure the West into a quagmire?

“ISIS wants us to conquer the territory, which is not what I said,” Bauer told The Beast. “We need to erase Raqqa.”


Scott Atran, an anthropologist frequently consulted by U.S. government agencies and the military, sees the struggle again ISIS primarily in ideological terms. He has studied closely, for instance, the work that guides much of the group’s strategizing, The Management of Savagery by Abu Bakr Naji, published almost 10 years ago. A typical maxim from that treatise: “Work to expose the weakness of America’s centralized power by pushing it to abandon the media psychological war and the war by proxy until it fights directly.” That is, suck U.S. troops into the fight.


And what about Raqqa, I asked Atran, thinking he would propose a nuanced approach.

“It’s going to take more than smashing them in Raqqa,” he said. “You have to smash them completely.”

But then he asks, “Who’s going to do this?”

In the days to come, we may well discover the answer.


10. maj 2014

We need not reinvent the wheel here. The implosion of the Abu Nidal Organization (ANO) offers an ideal template. Back in the mid-1980s, the ANO was one of the world’s most feared terrorist organizations, responsible for murder and mayhem across Europe and the Middle East, including the deaths of several Americans. Abu Nidal had been thrown out of Arafat’s PLO for his violent madness, becoming the world’s arch-terrorist during the mid-Reagan years. (Providing the spark for Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon was one of his more consequential terrorist acts.) Then, suddenly, he disappeared from the radar and went Elvis.

What happened was Abu Nidal killed off his own organization. A long-term deception operation by several intelligence services (including American), working together, convinced the already half-mad Abu Nidal that his group was swarming with spies and traitors. Instead of finding these (mostly mythical) moles, Abu Nidal decided to basically kill everyone. Over a few months in 1987-88, he unleashed his fearsome security force against his own people, murdering about 600 ANO members, many of them tortured to death in a medieval fashion. Some 170 terrorists were murdered in a single terrible night. With half the group dead and the other half terrified and demoralized, Abu Nidal fled to Baghdad with the remnants of the ANO, under Saddam Hussein’s protection, where they remained until the Americans arrived in the spring of 2003. (U.S. intelligence very much wanted to find Abu Nidal, but it turned out he was dead, ostensibly after having shot himself….several times.)

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Raqqo je treba zravnat, rjuharje pa likvidirat, vsakega, ki ga ujamejo pa metek, to no za sojenje ipd.

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

No končno, vzeli vodo in elektriko gamadi v Raqqi.

Očitno počasi vrag jemlje šalo, ISIS puši na terenu, zato tudi samomorilski napadi in terorizem iz obupa.

Rjuharji so res debili, da so šli napadat v Parizu, kaj je to v glavah teh ljudi.

No, podobna slika je pri eazyju.

Zaslepljen od neobstoječega alaha, al kaj je tista norost v katero verjame, za njega bi vse naredil.. Pa sploh ne obstaja

Gre celo tako daleč, da obrezuje svojega otroka


24. jul 2009
Daleč od tega, da so vodje rjuharjev neumni.
Zakaj meniš, da so neumni, da so šli napadat paris ? V pesku verjetno ne bodo zmagali, bodo pa zato v evropi delali sranje in bomo živeli v policijskih državah
vedno več bo tega po vsej evropi.

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

A ti misliš, da so pametni

Pušijo in so začeli s terorizmom, a to bo pomenilo njihov konec v Siriji.


6. sep 2007
Edini problem napadov vidim v tem da ne zavzamejo najprej področij ob meji s Turčijo. Tako se lahko ISIS brez težav odpravi v turčijo in proti EU kadar se jim bo zahotelo in bodo imeli dovolj bojevanja. Tu žal ni druge da se jih obkoli in likvidira.

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

To sicer še ne, ampak zadeva ni več tako rožnata za rjuharje.

Za Ruse je Sirija idealen poligon za trening in se čudim, da več zadev ne sprobajo in malo bolj intenzivno.

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Uporabnik Floki pravi:
Edini problem napadov vidim v tem da ne zavzamejo najprej področij ob meji s Turčijo. Tako se lahko ISIS brez težav odpravi v turčijo in proti EU kadar se jim bo zahotelo in bodo imeli dovolj bojevanja. Tu žal ni druge da se jih obkoli in likvidira.

Saj bodo prebili, z ene strani Kurdi, z druge "Rusi", potem pa se bo začela zabava.

Zdaj so jim presekali linijo Mosul-Raqqa

Pa redno dnevno in nočno bombardiranje Raqqe, bo tudi rjuharjem minilo počasi.

Je pa res, da jih je potrebno le likvidirati, ni druge rešitve pri tako brutalnem in surovem nasprotniku.


22. jul 2007
Uporabnik Floki pravi:
Edini problem napadov vidim v tem da ne zavzamejo najprej področij ob meji s Turčijo. Tako se lahko ISIS brez težav odpravi v turčijo in proti EU kadar se jim bo zahotelo in bodo imeli dovolj bojevanja. Tu žal ni druge da se jih obkoli in likvidira.

Tam živijo v glavnem Kurdi...


6. sep 2007
To vem samo vprašanje koliko jih bo prej pobegnilo skozi predem jim uspe zapreti pot proti severu, področje je tako široko da ne bo enostavno. Pa tudi turkom ne vem kako bo ugajalo da so kurdi ob meji. Isti problem ostaja v smeri Iraka. Za njih pač ni druge rešitve kot likvidacija ker tudi oni drugega ne sprejemajo.

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Kaj Francija tujske legije nima več?

Da se malo prezračijo po Siriji.


24. jul 2009
to bi potem bil direkten napad na sirijo s strani francije. Bi jih morala sirija najprej povabiti.....

+ ne bi bilo od večje koristi kar se terorizma tiče, ker teh ( teroristov ) je v EU že prek zadosti ( čeprav si črni + levi + liberalci mečejo pesek v oči )


27. feb 2013
Uporabnik Snecer pravi:
Kaj Francija tujske legije nima več?

Da se malo prezračijo po Siriji.
kako veš da niso tam v tem trenutku? kolikor vem je tujska legija en tak skupek mešalcev dreka po svetu in vedno pristona v malih številkah za kakšne posebne operacije.


10. nov 2014
hehehe... Sem se moral kar mal nasmejat pri teh "francoskih špekulacijah"..... Francija, enako kot katera koli druga evropska država v globalni ruleti z imenom Sirija pomeni toliko, kot pol pi..e hladne vode..... Še enkrat... Na eni strani so sunitske države, USA Izrael in Turčija, na drugi pa šiitske države, Rusija in Kitajska....Francijo tu nihče nič ne vpraša.... Druga stvar bi bila, če bi EU imela svojo vojsko in skupno lastno zunanjo politiko... Potem bi lahko uveljavljala lastne interese na bl. vzhodu.... Tako je pa razprava razen begunske problematike , glede EU držav in bl. vzhodu brezpredmetna...


10. nov 2014
Aktivisti grupe “Raka je zaklana u tišini“, orijentisani na borbu protiv džihadista, naveli su da iz bolnica u tom gradu nisu stigli izveštaji o žrtvama, kao i da su pogođeni uglavnom civilni ciljevi.

“Nijedan civil nije ubijen niti ranjen u napadima francuskih aviona, prema izveštajima iz bolnica u Raki. Bombe su pogodile stadion, muzej, bolnicu i jednu političku zgradu. Pogođeno je i mesto na kom je stradala američka humanitarka Kajla Miler“, naveli su članovi organizacije na Tviteru. ---- Toliko o francoski vojaški zmogljivosti....


13. avg 2007
Ja saj to je jasno da je bilo malo za show, tako kot ameriska 1 letna bombardiranja. Za v novice je super, ucinkovitost pa naj raie rusom prepustijo.