Zgodovina ruskih manevrirnih raket
Hezbolah tolče po daesh.Citat:
Uporabnik gloglo pravi:
hehe šipac...
Orožje rjuharji skrivajo pod ženskimi, kriplovimi tabori... Sej drugega ne znajo...
Izraelci tudi Hezbolah tolčejo dont worry niti pisnejo ne....
Tkole pucajo Izraelci.. rjuharji samo gledajo...
On Monday morning, the Islamist rebels of Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham – in coordination with the Free Syrian Army’s “Coastal Brigades” and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” – launched a counter-offensive in the Latakia Governorate’s northeastern countryside in order to reverse the Syrian Arab Army’s recent gains near the strategic city of Salma.
However, the Islamist rebels hit some turbulence en route to the imperative town of Doreen, as the Russian Air Force’s MI-24 Hind Helicopter Gunships relentlessly pounded their advancing fighters, killing a large number of enemy combatants from Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham, the Coastal Brigades, and Jabhat Al-Nusra.
Despite the casualty count, the Islamist rebel forces refused to let-up their attack, striking the defensive positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) at Tal Doreen and Kafr Dalbeh; this attack also resulted in a high death toll for Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham, Jabhat Al-Nusra, and the Coastal Brigades, as the SAA and their allies from the National Defense Forces (NDF) repelled all advances.
Uporabnik Snecer pravi:
Helikopter jih je malo "pozdravil"oja, to je moralo biti lepo, ko se je spraznil...![]()
Uporabnik boomslang pravi:
#Syria will close #Lattakia civilian airport. It will be used by #Russia to increase the sorties against rebels from 60 to 200.---- Prihaja iranska garda... Število naletov se bo zvišalo iz 60 na 200 na dan.... Do sedaj je bila v glavnem bolj sondaža terena... V kratkem lahko pričakujemo bolj resne zadeve...
There is a rumor (RUMOR!) that according to Al-Raid newspaper getting info from Baghdad 4+1 HQ Russian Military intend to increase sorties up to 200-300 a day. This is provoked by intensified fighting in Latakia, Idlib, Aleppo. Unnamed source tells: "The first wave was a reconessance of enemy reaction, readiness, defense capabilities. But current number of sorties is not enough to support ground operation. Thus we are prepairing new airport that will enable us to increase number of sorties and that will be operable in next month."
Also he added: "New ground forces of about 7000 combatants are to come to support SAA: Iraqi (2000), Hezbolla (1000), Afghani (2000), Irani (1000). they will enter Idlib after Russian airstrikes. The first target to be cleaned is Latakia."
Uporabnik Snecer pravi:
Skrajni čas je bil, da mi Slovani, kot najštevilčnejši evropski narod, začnemo delati red.
Putinu pa Nobelovo nagrado.