Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Danes so s protiletalskimi topovi sestrelili SAA Mig-21. Trenutek zadetka:
Morda je celo požrl flak, izgleda kot bi eksplodiral motor.
Morda je bil celo MANPADS. Na 0:20 je sumljiva dimna sled
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According to a military source at the T-4 Military Airport in east Homs, the Syrian Armed Forces are storming the western perimeter of this ancient fortress after launching thermobaric TOW missiles to weaken ISIS’ front-line defenses.
The thermobaric TOW missiles used by the Syrian Armed Forces are specifically used at the Palmyra front because they cause little-to-no damage to the buildings and ancient sites that are filled with ISIS terrorists.
V Turčiji poteka prava mala državljanska vojna med sultanatom in Kurdi.. Dnevno se pobija civile, bombardira razne vasi in predele mest, zapira in pobija novinarje itd. itd.... Problem je, ker večino tega zahodni mediji ne poročajo.. Kot vedno do sedaj v podobnih primerih zgolj enostransko ( samo, ko Kurdi napadajo )... Konec koncev so Turki naši NATO zavezniki, kaj ne...??
bojda manpad, na levi strani se vidi sledCitat:
Uporabnik ceedevita pravi:
"After the Syrian Air Force plane was hit, one pilot ejected and landed at the al-Magir village, which is controlled by the [government] army. The second pilot attempted an emergency landing at the Hama military airfield. The landing failed and the pilot died," the source explained.