Rusi v Siriji


27. feb 2013
Uporabnik Snecer pravi:
Mislim, da pri zlitju ni sevanja

Vidimo pa, da je problem tam Turčija in Saudska Arabija.
misliš narobe.


10. maj 2014
Turčija je večkrat izjavila, da je v smeri zahod-vzhod Azaz rdeča črta za Kurde.

december 2015


Ankara wants to protect its allies in Azaz, hoping that it will be the base for reconquering IS territories in the eastern part of Aleppo province once the group is sufficiently weakened by Western coalition airstrikes. Otherwise, the PYD and/or the Syrian army will be the ones who benefit from the Islamic State's withdrawal.

The latter scenario is precisely what Vladimir Putin wants. Ever since Turkey shot down one of his bombers last month, he is bent on seeking revenge. Moreover, he already offered military support to the Kurds in September to help them link Afrin with Kobane by seizing Azaz and Jarabulus. The PYD then attempted to raise the stakes with their U.S. partner, but without success apparently. Earlier this month, however, Moscow delivered weapons to the 5,000 Kurdish fighters in Afrin, while Russian aircraft bombed a convoy of trucks that crossed the Turkish border into Syria at Bab al-Salam. Rebel positions north of Aleppo were struck as well, preparing the ground for an offensive by the Kurdish People's Defense Units (YPG), the PYD's main militia.

Of course, the Islamic State could seize the opportunity to overrun Azaz before the YPG. IS forces have already captured the village of Kafrah, only ten kilometers down the road from Azaz. It occupied the town a few months before the fratricidal fighting between rebel groups in winter 2014. But this does not bother the Russians or Assad, whose primary interest is to see the road between Aleppo and Turkey cut -- whether by IS or the PYD.


The Azaz corridor holds major strategic importance for Turkey, but will that be enough to spur direct intervention? If the corridor falls and Ankara fails to respond, rebel groups would interpret it as a sign of weakness, while the international community would view it as capitulation to Russia. With the Azaz border link closed, Russia could then help the Syrian army and its Shiite allies lock other Turkish crossing points between Bab al-Hawa and Jisr al-Shughour, effectively putting the entire province of Idlib in a net. This would mean a near total defeat for Ankara's Syria policy. And if the corridor's fall were accompanied by ethnic cleansing of the area's large Turkmen population (who are ethnic kinsmen of the Turks) or IS violence against civilians, Turkish public opinion would be further riled up.

Does Putin underestimate Turkey's offensive capacity? Thus far, the Turkish army has refused to send ground troops into Syria; the National Intelligence Organization (MIT) is the agency in charge of Turkish operations there. Russia's presence will remain the main deterrent to large-scale Turkish intervention, though Ankara would likely escalate indirectly to prevent the corridor's fall. Then again, Putin may well want Turkey to intervene directly against the PYD, since that could force the Kurdish group to join the Russian alliance and deprive the West of its only efficient actor on the ground against IS. To avoid this disaster, Western countries should send ground troops to occupy strategic locations such as Azaz and fight IS directly.

Še dodaten LVL sranja.

Vse kaže, da se "Napadamo IS" vsaj v Turčiji in verjetno še v SA prevaja v "Branimo koridor pri Azazu."


2. mar 2010
Kaj je izjavil Turški tepihar je popolnoma vseeno, kajti gre za sosednjo državo.
Celotno Sirijo je potrebno počistiti islamskih podgan.

Vse kaže, da se "Napadamo IS" vsaj v Turčiji in verjetno še v SA prevaja v "Branimo koridor pri Azazu."
Trip gone bad, pac ? Drugs Are Bad, Mmkay ?

Dal si popolnoma kredibilen vir, nekako tako kot RT

Omeni še 13k tow, ki so jih teroristi dobili nedavno.
KSA, UA, TR in podobni tepiharji so nenadoma zelo zaskrbljeni za Sirsko ljudstvo, potem k njihovi varovanci islamo-teroristi bežijo ali ostajajo 2m spodaj.

Nobene od prej omenjenih tepiharjev nima povabila Sirske vlade ali mandata ZN za posredovanje v Siriji, tako da gre za navadno invazijo.Ampak ker so naši, je to ok.
Dvoličnost zahoda ne pozna meja.

Si že obesil isil zastavo pred hišo, od včeraj jo uradno lahko ?


10. nov 2014
#SDF are now in control of Kafr Naya south of Tell Rifaat this means #SAA will continue advancing south while #YPG takes care of Azaz pocket --- Se pravi navkljub turškemu bombardiranju kurdov, le ti lepo napredujejo.. Kot kaže je vse skupaj lepo dogovorjeno med SAA, Rusi in Kurdi...
Nazadnje urejeno:


10. nov 2014
"PM Davutoğlu: No Turkish troops in Syria right now; Turkey stands by Syrian people but never as an invader" --- Pričakovano so se Turki podelali v hlače...


6. sep 2007
V severnem Allepu se res hitro napredujejo če bo šlo tako naprej bo nekaj dneh konec. SAA so osvojile še Arhas in Misquan in so prišli na vzhodu do ISIS-a vprašanje še bodo severno sploh šli na področje Kurdov. Na twiterju je bilo objavljeno da je tudi Tal Refaat osvojen s strani kurdov ampak ni potrjeno.

Še en video RuAF s kasetnimi bombami v mestu. Hm....
Cluster bombs
Nazadnje urejeno:

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Treba je spucat v vsakem primeru, očitno je sesutje fronte hudo, sicer Turki ne bi nervozno streljali onkraj meje