Putinova Rusija


6. sep 2007
Uporabnik optiplex pravi:

Mizerija, tvoje teorije so res neverjetne?

ring a bell


1. To niso moje teorije.
2. Če si tako pameten razloži kaj točno kar sem napisal ne velja. Pa prilepi kakšen link ker tvoja razlaga je vredna toliko kot razmazan komar na steni.


6. sep 2007
Uporabnik optiplex pravi:
Še zmerjaj čakam prognoze in strokovne Vladove ocene, da bodo v 3 mesecih spokal. Takrat ste fanatiki v to striktno verjeli. V neko super moč kozakov.

A lahko prosim za en link, kjer se da slišati ali prebrati, da je Putin res to izjavil? Jaz imam namreč nekaj drugega v spominu in nisem edini. Enako prosim za link, kjer Putin osebno označi turškega predsednika skupaj z njegovo družino za DAESH. Hvala.

Kar se pa sestrelitve ruskega letala tiče so ti pa že drugi dokazali zmoto kar se tvojega "nekroženja" tuškega aviona tiče in pa zakaj rusko letalo ni zaznalo rakete.


6. sep 2007
Rusi so rekli da bi letalsko obstreljevanje lahko trajalo 3-4 mesece. In to je vse kar so povedali. Letalsko obstreljevanje traja dobro leto in bo trajalo verjetno še precej časa. Kako dolgo bo to je odvisno pa tudi od tega kako pogosto bodo američani upornike zalagali z orožjem.
Nazadnje urejeno:


6. sep 2007
Saj to - če bi zbombandirali tako kot se zagre in kot so sposobni ter seveda z dobro organizirano podporo pehote na tleh bi se tepihiranje lahko zaključilo v par mesecih. Ker pa se na tleh dogaja to kar se in ker se za piko na i še vsi sprenevedajo na polno pa imamo to kar imamo.


6. sep 2007
Ja na žalost je tako da je v Sirski vojski razen izjem v enotah organizacija porazna. Kaj pomaga rusko bombardiranje če potem ni pehotnega napada na tisto lokacijo. Saj počasi se stvar popravlja ampak bo še dolgo trajalo preden vsi dojamejo. Če bi prebivalci lahko zapustili vzhodni Alepo bi bil ta že zdavnaj osvojen s precej manj škode kot jo je danes. Ampak to ni vsem v interesu.



2. mar 2010
Uporabnik optiplex pravi:
ga ni prestregregel in so ga sklatili nad Sirijskem ozemlju.

Glede pozicije pa ravno tako ni verjeti Turkom kot Rusom. Šlo pa naj bi za večkratno kršenje zračnega prostora Turčiji. Vladimir se sedaj objema, zgleda da je imel Ergo prav.

zdej sta bestiča...

Še zmerjaj čakam prognoze in strokovne Vladove ocene, da bodo v 3 mesecih spokal. Takrat ste fanatiki v to striktno verjeli. V neko super moč kozakov.
Turkish Jets Violated Greek Airspace Over 2,000 Times Last Year

ali sedaj Turški F16 (2 meseca) po severu Sirije.

Koliko so jih sklatili ?

Turki z F16 so Ru su24 (podzvočni bombnik) čakali v zasedi.


10. maj 2014
Super, ruski skrajni desničarji, kot kaže z državno pomočjo, pripravljajo teroristične napade v Črni Gori.


Nekoliko ruskih državljana proterano je iz Srbije, zbog učešæa u pripremama terorističkih akcija u Crnoj Gori, saznaje Danas u krugovima bliskim vrhu vlasti u Srbiji.


Da æe u Beograd danas doputovati sekretar ruskog Saveta bezbednosti ovdašnja javnost obaveštena je preko sajta Sputnjik. Naime, juče se na tom internet portalu pojavila vest o dolasku Nikolaja Patruševa, ne kao saznanje, veæ u formi koja implicira da je poseta ranije ugovorena. Međutim, izvesno je da ostali mediji o tome nisu bili obavešteni, pa se ta vest sa Sputnjika prenosila sa znakom pitanja na kraju naslovnog bloka.


Tokom jučerašnjeg dana beogradski mediji su objavili vest o lociranju ruskih državljana zbog učešæa u pripremi terorističkih napada u Crnoj Gori. List Večernje novosti objavio je da su srpski obaveštajni i istražni organi "izolovali" grupu od desetak ljudi, za koju se sumnja da su se povezali na tlu Srbije, kako bi sproveli akcije protiv vlasti u Crnoj Gori. Među njima su, navodi list, pripadnici desničarskih organizacija, nekadašnji članovi paravojnih organizacija, ali i borci koji su ratovali na strani Rusa u Donbasu. Oni su, pored ostalog, bili opremljeni najsofisticiranijim spravama, pomoæu kojih su pratili kretanje crnogorskog premijera Mila Ðukanoviæa, ali i aparaturom koja je sprečavala pokušaje crnogorskih tajnih službi da budu otkriveni. Ova grupa, kako se ističe, još nije pohapšena, ali im je presečen svaki vid komunikacije i stavljeni su pod prismotru.


Na pitanje N1 da prokomentariše pisanje Danasa da su ruski državljani proterani iz Srbije zbog učešæa u pripremama terorističkih akcija u Crnoj Gori Vučiæ je odgovorio:

“Nije sve u vašem pitanju netačno, jedan deo je netačan. Nisam hteo da odgovaram ne samo zbog onoga što sam veæ rekao veæ i zbog još jedne stvari a to je da o tim stvarima nemam pravo da govorim u skladu sa zakonom. Inače sam imao još bezbroj detalja o kojima bih vam govorio i o stvarima u Crnoj Gori i o stvarima u Srbiji. O nekim stvarima sam želeo da govorim da bi ljudi znali težinu naše pozicije a sve drugo bilo bi, rekao bih, preterano uznemiravanje javnosti”, rekao je Vučiæ nakon učešæa na konferenciji o zaštiti uzbunjivača.

Saj bi rekel, da Srbom malo dogaja, ampak nenapovedan, na hitro organiziran obisk Patruševa kaže, da so njihovi varnostni organi izvohali nekaj velikega.


Nikolai Platonovich Patrushev (Russian: Никола́й Плато́нович Па́трушев) (born 11 July 1951) is a Russian politician and security and intelligence officer. He served as Director of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), which is the main successor organization to the Soviet KGB (excluding foreign intelligence), from 1999 to 2008, and he has been Secretary of the Security Council of Russia since 2008.


A Presidential decree on the Security Council issued by President Medvedev in early May 2011 appeared to strengthen the role of the presidential administration in overseeing military affairs. The edict clarified that the Security Council examines issues and prepares "presidential decisions" on the "organization of defense, military organizational development, defense production, and military and military-technical cooperation of Russia with foreign states", as well as the formulation and implementation of foreign policy, and the monitoring of public expenditure on defence, national security and law enforcement. The Secretary will also make proposals to the Secretary Council for coordinating the work of federal and regional executive bodies in national emergencies.


13. dec 2015
Norveška uvaja naborništvo, je dvakratno povečala vojaški proračun in je amerikance sama zaprosila za houstanje...

Skratka to ni nekaj novega. Vi dejansko preveč verjamete o miroljubne namene Rusov. Je pa zanimivo tretma Rusov. V siriji, Afganistanu, Čečeniji so uporniki teroristi.

V Ukrajini pa proruski uporniki. Uporniki tam, kjer jim paše. Tehnično so napadli suvereno državo Ukrajino in tudi finacirajo po njihovi terminologiji teroriste.

Šment, da prav to obtožujejo Američane v Siriji.
Še enkrat pravim, da Ruska dvoličnost je enaka kot pri Američanih. Vendar vseno bi raje živel tako kot danes ne pa pod železno zaveso nesposobnih Rusov..

Tega se zavedajo vse Baltske države.

Naj še omenim, da Norveška EU proda več plina kot Rusija. Seveda to ceno plačujejo tudi Alžirci.

Ruse to moti.
Nazadnje urejeno:


10. maj 2014

Spooked by Russia, Tiny Estonia Trains a Nation of Insurgents

Her face puffy from lack of sleep, Vivika Barnabas peered down at the springs, rods and other parts of a disassembled assault rifle spread before her.

At last, midway through one of this country’s peculiar, grueling events known as patrol competitions, she had come upon an easy task.

Already, she and her three teammates had put out a fire, ridden a horse, identified medicinal herbs from the forest and played hide-and-seek with gun-wielding “enemies” in the woods at night.

By comparison, this would be easy. She knelt in the crinkling, frost-covered grass of a forest clearing and grabbed at the rifle parts in a flurry of clicks and snaps, soon handing the assembled weapon to a referee.

“We just have to stay alive,” Ms. Barnabas said of the main idea behind the Jarva District Patrol Competition, a 24-hour test of the skills useful for partisans, or insurgents, to fight an occupying army, and an improbably popular form of what is called “military sport” in Estonia.


Since the Ukraine war, Estonia has stepped up training for members of the Estonian Defense League, teaching them how to become insurgents, right down to the making of improvised explosive devices, or I.E.D.s, the weapons that plagued the American military in Iraq and Afghanistan. Another response to tensions with Russia is the expansion of a program encouraging Estonians to keep firearms in their homes.

The Jarva competition entailed a 25-mile hike and 21 specific tasks, such as answering questions of local trivia — to sort friend from foe — hiding in a bivouac deep in the woods and correctly identifying types of Russian armored vehicles. On a recent weekend, 16 teams of four people had turned out, despite the bitter, late fall chill. The competition was open to men, women and teenagers.


Encouraging citizens to stash warm clothes, canned goods, boots and a rifle may seem a cartoonish defense strategy against a military colossus like Russia. Yet the Estonians say they need look no further than the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to see the effectiveness today, as ever, of an insurgency to even the odds against a powerful army.


“Partisan war is our way,” Mr. Vokk said. “We cannot equal their armor. We have to group in small units and do a lot of destruction of their logistics convoys. We needle them wherever we can.”

Mr. Vokk served with the army in Afghanistan, where, he said, he gained an appreciation for the effectiveness of I.E.D.s.

“They scared us,” he said. “And a Russian is just a human being as well. He would be scared.”


10. maj 2014
Še o ruskih trolčkih.

Ko sem v sosednji temi pisal o izvoru ukrofašističnih memov, za tole še nisem vedel.


10. maj 2014
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Super, ruski skrajni desničarji, kot kaže z državno pomočjo, pripravljajo teroristične napade v Črni Gori.

Zdaj je s položaja odletel še Leonid Rešetnikov, en bolj vplivnih predstavnikov Malofeeve ultrakonzervativne linije.


Gen. Reshetnikov, head of Kremlin's foreign policy think-tank RISS and key ideologist of war on Ukraine, fired just now. Very interesting.

Putin sacks ultraconservative, conspiracy theorist Reshetnikov, appoints former SVR chief Fradkov as RISI think-tank head. #Russia

This is very big news. Reshetnikov was one of the main advocates of the Donbass and Syrian interventions

V tujini je najbolj znan kot stroj za proizvodnjo absurdnih citatov.


The Central Intelligence Agency specializes in assassination. They’ve been practicing it for decades, assassinating leaders around the world. That’s why it would be naïve to think that they’re not planning to do the same with Vladimir Putin: if they can’t remove him from power they will assassinate him.


In his recent interview, Reshetnikov made several bold historical claims, including that “the United States first attempted to destroy Russia in 1917 by assisting the Bolsheviks, that Washington tried it again by hounding Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union in the late 1930s and yet again by destroying the Soviet Union in 1991.

Močno aktiven je (bil) na Balkanu.

april 2014


Leonid Reshetnikov - a retired Russian general, doctor of historical sciences and a former officer of intelligence services - also strongly criticized Ðukanoviæ, referring to him as "traitor."

"Ðukanoviæ is a big traitor of the historical memory of our people. Never in the history has the Serb people - and the Montenegrin nation is part of the Serb people - been against Russia. It is great treachery that he will answer for on Judgment Day," said Reshetnikov during the promotion of his book, held in Belgrade's Moskva (Moscow) Hotel.

Earlier in the day, he received the Order of Saint Prince Konstantin from the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC), in a ceremony held at the patriarchate building in Belgrade. Reshetnikov received the honor from SPC Patriarch Irinej, who described him as a man "devoted to his faith and the church," and a friend of the Serb people.

"This is a great honor for me. All my life I have sought to strengthen the ties between Slavic and Orthodox peoples, and especially the ties with the Serb people, which is particularly close to us," said Reshetnikov, who heads the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies.

oktober 2014


Reshetnikov is a propagator of the organic unity of church and state, and spokesperson of an adjusted version of Huntington’s idea that “orthodox civilisation” is the counterweight to the West. He is one of the most prominent bandmasters of this orchestra.

april 2015


There is significant ideological harmony between Banja Luka and Moscow, based on an anti-Western ideology grounded in Orthodoxy and Slavic nationalism, all of which masks a great deal of corruption and personal profiteering. This ideological alliance has been cemented by Leonid Reshetnikov, a retired Russian intelligence general who makes regular trips to the Balkans to visit his “brother” Serbs. A Kremlin insider with strongly nationalist and religious views, Reshetnikov is a fierce advocate of what I term Putin’s Orthodox Jihad, and he heads a major Moscow think-tank that serves as an arm of Russian foreign policy.

Unsurprisingly, Reshetnikov has counseled the Bosnian Serbs they must stand up to the West, since Brussels and Washington, DC, are plotting against them, seeking to destroy the Serbian entity. Just as unsurprisingly, this hardline nationalist take has won Reshetnikov plaudits from the influential Serbian Orthodox Church, which has hosted several of his visits to the region and bestowed him with high honors

Ne gre za naključno zaporedje dogodkov. Ali je nekdo malo preveč soliral, kar ne verjamem, ali pa je po neuspešni operaciji moral pasti v imenu miru v pravoslavni hiši.


10. maj 2014

Diplomatic sources told the Guardian the Belgrade government quietly deported the Russians after the intervention of the head of the Russian security council, Nikolai Patrushev, who flew to Belgrade on 26 October in an apparent effort to contain the scandal. The country’s interior minister, Nebojša Stefanoviæ denied the government carried out any deportations connected to the plot.

A source close to the Belgrade government said Patrushev, a former FSB (federal security service) chief, apologised for what he characterised as a rogue operation that did not have the Kremlin’s sanction. In Moscow, a Security Council official told Tass that Patrushev “didn’t apologise to anyone, because there is nothing to apologise for”.

The Serbian government was further rattled three days after Patrushev’s visit when a cache of arms was found near the home of the prime minister, Aleksandar Vučiæ. The weapons were discovered at a junction where Vučiæ’s car would normally slow down on his way to the house.

"Diplomatski viri", ampak vse ostalo okrog te zgodbe smrdi samo po sebi.