Uporabnik Jernej pravi:
Ne me hecat...
Najprej Flashforward, zdaj pa še ti dve?!?! A sploh ostane še kakšna dostojna SF TV serija?
Seveda. Zato pa so ukinili Firefly aneCitat:
Uporabnik ynos pravi:
Uporabnik Jernej pravi:
Ne me hecat...
Najprej Flashforward, zdaj pa še ti dve?!?! A sploh ostane še kakšna dostojna SF TV serija?
Dostojnih ne ukinejo. Bedne pa.
Although Whedon had designed the show to run for seven years,[87] and the show had a loyal following during its original broadcast,[88] low ratings resulted in cancellation by Fox in December 2002 after only eleven episodes had aired in the United States and Canada.[89] Prior to cancellation, some fans, worried about low ratings, formed the Firefly Immediate Assistance campaign whose goal was to support the production of the show by sending in postcards to Fox. After it was canceled, the campaign worked on getting another network such as UPN to pick up the series. The campaign was unsuccessful in securing the show's continuation.[90]
No saj tudi meni marsikaj od sci-fi ni všeč. Kompletna Vojna zvezd, ter večino Zvezdnih stez ne morem niti videti. Prav tako ne en kup vesoljskih nadaljevank, kjer skačejo naokoli "vesoljčki" z gumjastimi maskamiCitat:
Uporabnik ynos pravi:
Supernatural je kul. Pa res nisem preveč fan sci-fi zadev.Matrix, Lord of the Rings, STar wars ipd...mi ni kul npr.