Pošta Slovenije


24. avg 2007
jaz ko ne ebayu prodam v uk, ebay to zaračuna, jaz dobim tisto številko, jo vpišem na cn23 obrazec in je to to, verjetno se da po tisti številki preverit, ni treba odpirat al ?
Za pošiljanje v UK ne vem. Če hočeš, da gre pošiljka brez težav čez pri PS in ti zaračunajo samo administracijo mora prodajalec vnesti številko v nek elektronski sistem. Če ni vnešena v sistem, kljub temu, da je ta ista številka napisana na ovojnici, ti zaračunajo ta dražjo tarifo IN ŠE ENKRAT zaračunajo DDV.


16. avg 2007
mu je pošta odgovorila.....po meni ni bilo nič narobe s postopkom....
V bistvu je bilo zelo narobe. Če stvar kupiš na nemškem amazonu so davkli plačani ko stvar kupiš. Vsako dodatno carinjenje in podobno odpiranje je nateg.

About VAT on Sales by Amazon​

VAT is charged on sales by Amazon within the European Union (EU) and Northern Ireland.

For items that are offered on the Amazon.de website and are sent to destinations within the European Union (EU) and Northern Ireland, sales tax must be calculated according to the laws applicable within the EU and tax rates that vary within the member states. The amount of sales tax to be charged depends on various factors such as the identity of the seller, the nature of the purchased product and the destination to which the product is to be shipped.

The prices on our website for goods sold by Amazon are displayed in EUR and inclusive of German VAT. However, your final price may differ depending on the actual VAT rate that applies to your order. For orders to other EU countries and Northern Ireland, the German VAT amount will be deducted and the applicable VAT rate for the destination country will be added. Your final price during checkout will reflect the correct VAT rate for the destination country of your order.

See How to purchase as a VAT registered customer within the EU if you want to use your VAT registration number when purchasing from Amazon.

See About VAT on Digital Products and Services sold by Amazon for more information on VAT on digital products and services.

For Amazon Business customers, you may see prices exclusive of VAT. Learn More.

For items purchased from the Amazon Global Store, import VAT and duties are paid through the Import Fees Deposit. The carrier will declare all imports on behalf of the delivery recipient. For more information visit our help page About Import Fees Deposit.


6. sep 2007
V bistvu je bilo zelo narobe. Če stvar kupiš na nemškem amazonu so davkli plačani ko stvar kupiš. Vsako dodatno carinjenje in podobno odpiranje je nateg.

About VAT on Sales by Amazon​

VAT is charged on sales by Amazon within the European Union (EU) and Northern Ireland.

For items purchased from the Amazon Global Store, import VAT and duties are paid through the Import Fees Deposit. The carrier will declare all imports on behalf of the delivery recipient. For more information visit our help page About Import Fees Deposit.

In če je davek zapisan na računu na računu (zaračunan) še ne pomeni, da je plačan in reglarno zaveden na pošiljki. Zunanje trgovine se tako kot npr. pri eBayu zavežejo da bodo to poravnale in pravilno zavedle... če ne se lahko samo naknadno pritožiš ali zadevo zavrneš.


1. sep 2007
Po tej logiki te najboljse da odpirajo vse.

sicer nebo nic drugace ker v vecini posiljk itak ni racunov not ker jih mas na mailu, tak da :D
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: ales85


Izključen uporabnik
2. mar 2018
Paket iz Nemčije do moje pošte pride v dveh dneh....od moje poslovalnice pošte 15 KILOMETROV daleč pa ga furajo 4 dni.
Je ogromna razlika...al Nemec al pa radikalno nesposobni balkanisti.