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Izbrisan uporabnik 3287

Zdravo. Potrebujem spremeniti zadevo iz pdf (scaniran) v word. Rabim danes. Placam prek PP ali B nakazila. Lp


22. mar 2009
Odvisno kaj potrebuje.
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Izključen uporabnik
24. jul 2007
Ne pametuj... se zato so pa OCR programi. Če je lep scan gre komot.

Drugače je pa sranje, če se že na sliki grdo vidi.

Edit Tako slikco ti pa vsak prebere

And first. I have to reply to the older charges and to my tirst accusers. and then
I will go to the later ones. For I have had many accusers. who accused me of
old. and their false charges have continued during many years; and I am more
afraid of them than of Anytus and his associates. who are dangerous. too, in
their own way. But far more dangerous are these. who began when you were
children. and took possession of your minds with their falsehoods, telling of
one Socrates. a wise man. who speculated about the heaven above. and
searched into the earth beneath. and made the worse appear the better cause.
These are the accuscrs whom I dread; for they are the circulators of this rumor.
and their hearers are too apt to fancy that speculators of this sort do not
believe in the gods. And they are many. and their charges against me are of
ancient date. and they made them in days when you were impressible - in
childhood. or perhaps in youth - and the cause when heard went by default.
for there was none to answer. And. hardest of all. their names I do not know
and cannot tell; unless in the chance of a comic poet. But the main body of
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