Brez ankete ne bomo izvedeli nikoli.
"Until the late 18th century nig(g)er was synonymous with Negro; thereafter and until the second half of the 20th century the term nigger was essentially a colloquial synonym for Negro. From earliest times until after mid-20th century the belief was prevalent—even by enlightened people such as Charles Darwin—that non-Europeans were inferior, which encouraged disparagement of them. In the early twentieth century there were products such as Nigger Brown Boot Polish and Nigger-Hair Tobacco where the primary purpose of the word nigger was descriptive rather than racist."
Očitno beseda lahko žaljiva postane s časom.
PS. "Magnifico je peder" - ljubkovalno, opisno, zaničevalno?

"Until the late 18th century nig(g)er was synonymous with Negro; thereafter and until the second half of the 20th century the term nigger was essentially a colloquial synonym for Negro. From earliest times until after mid-20th century the belief was prevalent—even by enlightened people such as Charles Darwin—that non-Europeans were inferior, which encouraged disparagement of them. In the early twentieth century there were products such as Nigger Brown Boot Polish and Nigger-Hair Tobacco where the primary purpose of the word nigger was descriptive rather than racist."
Očitno beseda lahko žaljiva postane s časom.
PS. "Magnifico je peder" - ljubkovalno, opisno, zaničevalno?