Mislim to, da so številni razlogi za različen tretma dveh ali več otrok. Nekaterih ali pa večine se starši ne zavedamo (iz različnih razlogov) pa če se še tako "trudimo" biti konsistentni v vzgoji.
"We found very little evidence for the influence of a common family environment,'' said John Loehlin of the University of Texas. Dr. Loehlin's studies of identical twins and fraternal twins raised in the same families show that virtually all their personality similarities are due to shared genes. The twins' differences in personality, the studies showed, were due to experiences that they did not share. Similar results have been obtained in 10 other studies of twins, including a Swedish investigation of 12,000 adult twin pairs."
Kle je ena
luštna raziskava na to temo.
Kalbo, to, da maš otroke, te ne kvalificira za dobrega starša ali poznavalca.