Uporabljate neposodobljen brskalnik. Ta ali druga spletna stran morda ne bo prikazana pravilno. Posodobite brskalnik ali uporabite alternativni brskalnik.
Fixed an error that caused the device to lock up and drain the battery when powered down.
Fixed an error that caused the device to periodically lose GPS signals.
Fixed an error that caused the device to shutdown when receiving traffic events from a GTM 60 cable.
Fixed several route-calculation errors.
Fixed several navigation-related errors.
Fixed several search-related errors.
Fixed several map display errors.
Fixed several Voice Command errors.
Fixed several Smartphone Link errors.
Fixed several locale-specific keyboard and display-related errors.
Fixed an error that caused the device to shutdown in certain locations when routing with the Argentina MPC map.
Fixed a route recalculation error that caused the device to stop responding.
Fixed several traffic-related errors.
Dobri stari hard reset je uredil zadevo.
S tem, da so popravki hitrosti za nazaj izgubljeni. Je pač potrebno pred vsako nadgradnjo tudi mapo Speed corections arhivirat
Je pa zanimivo to, da mi hard reset ni pobrisal .gpx in priljubljenih točk
Na voljo ni nobenega sporočila --> Ni novih sporočil. Prosim, preverite kasneje.
Fotografiranje v živo --> Fotografije v živo
"Ali želite napravo izključiti" - PREKLIČI in IZKLOPLJENO --> " NE " in " DA ".
Prikaži zemlj. --> Zemljevid
Popravljeni Č kjer jih ni bilo.
Text za menije sem popravil po postopku od @NAVI_boy
Fixed the text font on the Trip Computer.
Fixed a resetting error with Traffic Provider settings.
Fixed Yandex traffic severity indicator numbers when ecoRoute is enabled.
Poglej, sprašujem zato, ker imam na 3490tki zadnje zemljevide, zadnji firmware, soft reset sem naredil po nalaganju novih kart, pa mi isto kaže vrednosti v funtih.
Ta stran uporablja piškotke, ki vam pomagajo prilagoditi vsebino in funkcionalnosti ter obdržati prijavo, če ste registrirani.
Z nadaljnjo uporabo tega spletnega mesta soglašate z našimi piškotki.