Novi Range Rover


18. avg 2007
Uporabnik Diablo pravi:
evoque je kolikor hočeš že na cestah... ali kaj si ti mislil

Govorimo o novemu Range Roverju na sliki zgoraj, ce se ne motim

Evoque je ze stara zgodba


24. jul 2009
NIkoli me ti SUV-i niso mikali, so mi bili tako kot golfi pač vsakemu svoje. Sem bil vedmo bol za limuzune.
Ko sem pa gledal reportažo na SIOL-u iz Pariza, me je pa ta avto čist navdušil.

Zanima me kakšna je razlika med Rang roverjem in Rang rover sport ?
Vidim, da se generacije menjajo na deset in več let. Ali so vmes kakšni 'facelifti' ?


16. jun 2009
Emona / Carnium

~RANGE ROVER SPORT: This car uses a slightly different frame work compared to the HSE. As the name implies, the SPORT has a fair bit of modified body kit to give it self a sporty look. Both the engines used the Rangies are the sames ones used in the Jaguar cars. Important differences of the SPORT is primarily the engine and the interior seating position. The driver's console ( dash board, driving wheel, entertainment system, and gear changer) are repostitioned closer to the driver. As for engine, the engineers simply retuned it, thus extracting an extra bit of horsepower. But it really doesn't make much of a difference at all. Also, when driving, you get a throaty roar from the engine, but the power isn't going to astonish you at all.

~RANGE ROVER HSE: Ultimately, this particular model is named and known to be one of the best luxury SUV in the world. Why? the car has a legendary marque, latest German enhanced technology, and extreme comfort. Mind you, both the Sport and HSE have a traction control system, giving you access to choose from 5 settings, snow, gravel, normal, etc~just to name a few. In addition, it has a air suspension, so you can adjust the height of the car with a flip of a button. Firstly, the comfort of the ride is very noticeable. Soft and plush, and surprisingly quiet. Where as the Sport is noisy, and the ride very hard, due to the so called " sport" suspension to improve fast cornering. The horsepower or the torque doesn't need to be worried about, because the same Jaguar engine does its job well.

~The HSE is more expensive, simply because it is more luxurious than the SPORT. The sport took off many luxury amenities, to simply reduce the price of the car, to make it more affordable for those of who cannot afford the HSE model. THEN yes, the used HSE is cheaper, because its value depreciates ( declines from original price every year).

~SO, which is the better car? the " HSE". The HSE has everything you will ever wish to have in a car, great looks, and great interior. Whereas the SPORT is a little disappointing when put in comparison. In my opinion, it is a fantastic car, and the only draw back is that it may be a little costy at the fuel pump, but it's worth every penny. Also, if you are looking for something even more supreme, the HSE SUPERCHARGED is more expensive, but engineers at Range Rover upgraded every aspect of the car to another degree, making it ultra-exclusive. But I would definitely recommend the HSE.


12. nov 2007

RR sport ni naslednik generacije ampak je čisto nov model, podobno kot je sedaj RR Evoque.

Klasični RR je prestiž in aristokratski pristop do vozila, RR Sport je pa avto za æefurje. Skratka prvo vozilo je svoja klasa in nadaljevanje trandicije, drugo vozilo je odgovor na razne X5, Q7, ipd.

RR sport je postavljen na samonosni karoseriji s šasijo ki je vzeta iz discoverija. Sicer dobra pogruntavščina, ampak angleži so falili čas in ceno nafte ter naredili mnogo pretežko vozilo za tak razred. Klasičen RR od 3. generacije dalje ima samonosno karoserijo, prej je imel klasično šasijo. Skratka RR sport je mislim da celo težji od klasike. Ima pa precej športno vzmetenje, bremobo zavore, solidne motorje in pač oznako "sport" čeprav ima hkrati vse terenske pripomočke.

Prva generacija RRja ima par faceliftov in modernizacij (ker je trajala 30 let), druga generacija ima en manjši kozmetični facelift in modernizirane motorje, tretja generacija ima en kup faceliftov in modernizacij ter različnih motorjev (ker so se vmes menjali lastniki, od BMWja preko Forda do Tate).

Trenutna nova generacija je 4. generacija in se vrača k koreninam oz. še preko njih in ima karoserijo v celoti iz aluminija. Ostalo je pač prestiž najvišjega nivoja.